The Hilltop Singers of East Texas Baptist University is a select chamber ensemble that serves as the primary public relations arm for the Department of Music and Theatre Arts and the university. Known for their artistry and versatility, the Hilltop Singers perform an array of repertoire, sharing Christ’s truth and beauty through their music.
This auditioned group is highly active in the region, providing music for banquets, worship services, recruiting events, and other special engagements. Open to all ETBU students by audition, the Hilltop Singers represent the university with excellence while enriching their musical and spiritual growth.
Hilltop Singers rehearses on Monday and Wednesday at 3:00 p.m. Students interested in auditioning are encouraged to contact Dr. Pat Antinone directly. Concurrent enrollment in Concert Choir is required. All members of the ensemble receive scholarships in recognition of their commitment and contribution.
MUSI 1158.01
Dr. Pat Antinone, Director | 903.923.2156