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Academic Advising Tips for Students

Please use the following to come to your Academic Advising appointment prepared.

  • Make sure your account in the Business Office is current. This means your charges must be paid in full OR you should be current on your payments, if using the payment plan. For billing questions, contact the Business Office at 903.923.2055.
  • Look for an email from your academic advisor giving you instructions for making an appointment with him/her.
  • Sign up for an appointment based on your date of eligibility for registration. This is dependent on the number of hours you have completed (do not count what you are enrolled in this Spring)
    March 24 – for those who have earned 90 or more hours (also graduate students and those in adult education programs)
    March 25-26 – for those who have earned 60 or more hours
    March 27-28 – for those who have earned 30 or more hours
    March 31 – open for all currently enrolled students (continues through the end of the semester)
  • Have a tentative plan for your schedule since it is your schedule and you know your preferences of time, days of the week, etc. You can do this by looking at your degree audit in Campus Connect and semester-by-semester plans on the website:

In order to take advantage of early registration dates, schedule a meeting with your advisor. While with him/her ask to look at the following things: 

Degree Audit – make sure there is one on file and that it is the correct degree, major and minor. If no degree audit is on file or it is wrong, complete a Declaration/Change of Major Form with your advisor. Look to see if there are any courses in “electives” at the bottom of the degree audit that you think should be counting for a specific course in the major/minor or gen. ed. portion of the degree audit and talk with your advisor about that.

Transcripts – make sure the transfer, CLEP, Dual Enrollment, or AP credits that you think should be on your transcript are there.
If you are a getting close to graduation in the next 2-4 semesters, ask your advisor to double check the 4-year course rotations provided by the departments so that you get enrolled in a required course that may not be offered again before your anticipated graduation date.

With your advisor’s input, determine the number of hours you feel like you can be successful in, but remember, you need to take an average of 30 hours a year to graduate in 4 years. You must be enrolled in at least 12 hours for Financial Aid purposes and athletic eligibility. (Exception– if this is your last semester and that is all that is needed to graduate. Make sure to talk to the Financial Aid office about this)

Try to balance your class load where possible between MWF and TR and discuss travel days and practice times, etc. with your advisor if you are a student-athlete.

Enroll in any mini-term courses during this appointment as well.

After Registering
  • Pay attention to payment deadlines for the next semester and check your email since Tigermail is our official means of communication.
  • Look back at your schedule and degree audit to make sure you are enrolled in the courses that make sense for your degree plan.
  • Begin looking at Canvas 6 days prior to the meeting dates of any mini-mesters that you are enrolled in for assignments and due dates.