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Nursing Alumni Survey

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For Texas BON and CCNE accreditation purposes, please answer the following questions:

Consider the following statements below and in the space provided after each one, rank the number that best reflects your opinion:

Questions 0
Almost Always
ETBU TSON prepared me to synthesize and incorporate external evidence (i.e., research/empirical knowledge) from nursing, religion, science, humanities and other disciplines into nursing practice.
ETBU TSON prepared me to provide holistic nursing care based on knowledge derived from theory, practice and research.
ETBU TSON prepared me to utilize a critical thinking process as a basis for providing care for individuals, families, groups, populations and communities of varying cultures and ethnicities.
ETBU TSON prepared me to collaborate with other health care providers and consumers in promoting health and effecting change in the health care system through the use of technology, evidence-based practice and Christ-centered care.
ETBU TSON prepared me to demonstrate accountability for incorporating professional, ethical, moral and legal aspects into nursing practice.
ETBU TSON prepared me to demonstrate accountability for incorporating independent and self-directed learning as a prerequisite for professional growth.
ETBU TSON prepared me to identify and implement nursing roles designed to meet changing health care needs of society, including health promotion, disease prevention, illness care, restoration, rehabilitation, and health teaching.
ETBU TSON prepared me to identify and implement nursing roles designed to meet changing health care needs of society, including health promotion, disease prevention, illness care, restoration, rehabilitation, and health teaching.
ETBU TSON prepared me to demonstrate the ability to implement appropriate leadership strategies and management competencies as generalists in professional nursing.