Please fill out the following form for your Application for Resident Assistant. This form is for returning resident assistants for 2024-2025. You must have JavaScript enabled to use this form. Personal Information Contact Information First Name Last Name ETBU Email Address Cell phone Student ID Number Date of Birth ex. 1/12/91 Gender - Select -FemaleMale Preferred T-shirt size - Select -SmallMediumLargeXLXXL Current Housing Assignment Home Church Local Church Church Involvement Social Media Accounts: Facebook Link Twitter Link Instagram Link Academic Information Class Standing - Select -FreshmanSophomoreJuniorSenior Anticipated graduation date Major Minor GPA-Cumulative Participation: I plan on participating in one or more of the following time commitments during the academic year. Student Teaching Nursing Clinicals Internship ETBU Athletics Other… Enter other… Fall Hours (Anticipated credit load) Spring Hours (Anticipated credit load) Anticipated extracurricular activities and leadership positions that will be held during the academic year (if applicable): Do you have a residence hall preference? - Select -YesNo Residence Hall Preference | Female Questions Carlile Hall University Apartments University Park Row Ornelas Hall Linebery Hall First Choice Carlile Hall University Apartments University Park Row Ornelas Hall Linebery Hall Second Choice Carlile Hall University Apartments University Park Row Ornelas Hall Linebery Hall Third Choice Carlile Hall University Apartments University Park Row Ornelas Hall Linebery Hall Fourth Choic Carlile Hall University Apartments University Park Row Ornelas Hall Linebery Hall Fifth Choice Carlile Hall University Apartments University Park Row Ornelas Hall Linebery Hall Residence Hall Preference | Male Questions Carlile Hall University Apartments University Park Row Mabee Hall Fry Hall First Choice Carlile Hall University Apartments University Park Row Mabee Hall Fry Hall Second Choice Carlile Hall University Apartments University Park Row Mabee Hall Fry Hall Third Choice Carlile Hall University Apartments University Park Row Mabee Hall Fry Hall Fourth Choice Carlile Hall University Apartments University Park Row Mabee Hall Fry Hall Fifth Choice Carlile Hall University Apartments University Park Row Mabee Hall Fry Hall Sign here Sign above More I understand that my signature below indicates I have read through and understand the expectations of the RA position, and that I will be expected to adhere to the Important Dates, Qualifications and Important Expectations as outlined in the Application process.