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News - 2015

April 8, 2015

ETBU Jazz Band Concert on April 10th

MARSHALL, Texas  (4/06/15) - The East Texas Baptist University Jazz Band will be in concert on Friday, April 10 at 7:00 p.m. in Baker Auditorium of the Ornelas Spiritual Life Center on the ETBU campus. Admission is $5 or free with ETBU I.D. 

The ETBU Jazz Band, under the direction of Professor of Music Dr. Douglas Lockard, will feature great jazz and blues tunes from the past and present, opening with the classic Count Basie riff tune, One O?Clock Jump. 

April 7, 2015

ETBU Trustees Elect Dr. J. Blair Blackburn as President

MARSHALL, Texas (4/07/15) - The East Texas Baptist University Board of Trustees elected Dr. J. Blair Blackburn of Dallas, Texas, as its next president. The announcement came from ETBU Board of Trustees chair Hal Cornish after a special called trustee meeting Tuesday afternoon. Dr. Blackburn will succeed Dr. Samuel W. "Dub" Oliver who left to become the president of Union University located in Jackson, Tennessee, on June 1, 2014.

April 6, 2015

D3 WEEK Kicks Off in Chapel

MARSHALL, Texas (4/6/15) - Starting of NCAA Division III Week in chapel on Monday morning, East Texas Baptist University student-athletes were recognized for their accomplishments. All student-athletes stood up in chapel and chaplain Bryant read off the accomplishments of ETBU athletics to this point this year in the American Southwests Conference for all-conference and academic all-conference.