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News - 2015

May 12, 2015

ETBU School of Humanities Holds 2014-2015 Honors Ceremony

MARSHALL, Texas (5/12/15) - The School of Humanities at East Texas Baptist University honored its outstanding students during its Honors Chapel ceremony on Wednesday, April 29, 2015. Students from the Department of Communication, Languages and Literature, and History and Political Science were recognized for their achievement during the 2014-2015 Academic Year.

The award and honorees are as follows:

May 12, 2015

ETBU School of Humanities Holds 2014-2015 Honors Ceremony

MARSHALL, Texas (5/12/15) - The School of Humanities at East Texas Baptist University honored its outstanding students during its Honors Chapel ceremony on Wednesday, April 29, 2015. Students from the Department of Communication, Languages and Literature, and History and Political Science were recognized for their achievement during the 2014-2015 Academic Year.

The award and honorees are as follows:

May 11, 2015

ETBU Honors Employees for Faithful Service

MARSHALL, Texas (5/07/15) - East Texas Baptist University held its annual End-of-the-Year Celebration for full time staff and faculty on Tuesday, May 5, 2015. The celebration started with a time of worship and prayer in Baker Auditorium and finished with a luncheon in the Woods and Cornish Great Rooms of the Ornelas Student Center to honor employees for service. A total of 30 were recognized that represented 340 years of faithful service to the University.  
Those honored for years of service are:

May 7, 2015

ETBU & Marshall High Work Together To Offer Dual Credit Options for High School Students

MARSHALL, Texas (5/05/15) -  Marshall High School and East Texas Baptist University continue to work together in providing high school students with options to receive dual credit hours.  The dual credit agreement between MHS and ETBU, which started 17 years ago, allows junior and senior high students to enroll in ETBU courses and simultaneously earn college and high school credit for the course.