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Biology (B.S.)

A major in biology allows a student to specialize by choosing one of three tracks: general biology, environmental studies, or human biology. The health science major prepares students to pursue a wide-variety of jobs in the health industry or to gain entry into health-related graduate schools. A life science major is available for the Teacher Education Program for secondary level certification. The department also serves other academic disciplines by providing biological knowledge and skills needed in those areas. By balancing courses in biology with English, math, other courses outside the department students gain the broad education necessary for success in many careers. The department is committed to teaching the fundamental skills and techniques of biology, exploring how biology as a science is a way of knowing about life and instilling a desire for further study in biology. Students who major in biology will:

  • Demonstrate knowledge of biology concepts and the ability to apply the knowledge.
  • Develop problem-solving skills necessary for the field of biology.
  • Develop technical skills needed for biology laboratories and scientific communication


  1. Students will describe cell structures and their functions. 
  2. Students will interpret genetic concepts in terms of the central dogma of genetics. 
  3. Students will be analyze and solve various types of problems in biology. 
  4. Students will use problem-solving skills to analyze published research articles. 
  5. Students will demonstrate scientific oral and written communication skills. 
  6. Students will demonstrate laboratory skills. 


Biology General Education Requirements

General Education Requirements - 46 hours
English 1301, 1302, and three hours sophomore literature - 9 hours
Fine Arts (three hours from music, theatre, fine arts, art, or equivalent) - 3 hours
Christian Ministry 1301 and 1302 - 6 hours
History - 3 hours
Political Science 2305 - 3 hours
Social Science (CJUS, ECON, GEOG, POSC, PSYC, SOCI) - 3 hours 
Physical Activity - KINE 1238 - 2 hours
Science (must be lab science) - 8 hours
Mathematics - 6 hours
Communication 1311, 1315, or 1318 - 3 hours

Departmental Requirements for Biology Majors

* denotes course(s) which can also meet General Education Requirements
* CHEM 1311/1111 General Chemistry I and Laboratory
* CHEM 1312/1112 General Chemistry II and Laboratory
* MATH 1342 Elementary Statistics
* MATH 1425 Precalculus
* PHYS 1401 General Physics I
* PHYS 1402 General Physics II

Biology Major Requirements

Biology Major Requirements
Completion of thirty-eight (38) semester hours:
Core Requirements:
BIOL 1406 General Biology I
BIOL 1407 General Biology II
BIOL 3305 Research Methods
BIOL 4195 Capstone in Biology
BIOL 4403 Genetics
The student must choose one of the following specializations:
General Biology Specialization
BIOL 3402 Field Zoology
BIOL 3410 Field Botany
BIOL 3452 Microbiology
BIOL4301 Cell Biology
Additional ten (7) semester hours in Biology
Environmental Studies Specialization
BIOL 3400 Field Course
BIOL 3402 Field Zoology
BIOL 3404 Environmental Science
BIOL 3410 Field Botany
BIOL 4405 General Ecology
Additional two (2) semester hours in Biology
Pre-medical/Pre-dental Specialization
BIOL 3411 Human Anatomy and Physiology I
BIOL 3412 Human Anatomy and Physiology II
BIOL 3301 Pathophysiology or BIOL 4302 Immunology
BIOL 3452 Microbiology
BIOL 4301 Cell Biology
Additional four (4) semester hours in Biology
Note: A chemistry minor is recommended because Texas medical and dental schools require eight hours in general chemistry, eight hours in organic chemistry, and three hours in biochemistry.
Pre-veterinarian Specialization
BIOL 3402 Field Zoology
BIOL 3452 Microbiology
BIOL 4301 Cell Biology
BIOL 4310 Biochemistry I
Additional eight (8) hours in Biology
Notes:  A chemistry minor is recommended because Texas A&M University School of Veterinary Medicine requires eight hours in general chemistry, eight hours in organic chemistry, and three hours in biochemistry.  Texas A&M University School of Veterinary Medicine requires a three-hour course in animal nutrition, MATH 4303 Probability and Statistics, and a three-hour advanced speech communication course.

Semester by Semester Plans

Catalog Year 2024-2025
Catalog Year 2023-2024
Catalog Year 2022-2023
Catalog Year 2021-2022
Catalog Year 2020-2021
Catalog Year 2019-2020
Catalog Year 2018-2019