The minor will prepare students for an exciting career as a forensic scientist. Graduates will be highly qualified to work as an a forensic scientist in a variety of law enforcement agencies. The courses will provide content and skills within those areas in which the student may seek certification by the International Association of Identification (IAI) or other forensic science peer review associations including the Southwest Association of Forensic Science.
Eighteen (18) semester hours:
CHEM 3307 Forensic Science I
CHEM 3107 Forensic Science I Laboratory
CHEM 3317 Forensic Science II
CHEM 3117 Forensic Science II Laboratory
CJUS 3314 Criminal Investigation
CJUS 3315 Crime Scene Investigation
CJUS 3115 Crime Scene Investigation Laboratory
Three (3) semester hours from the following:
CHEM 4351 Internship in Chemistry
Three (3) advanced hours in Criminal Justice