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This minor will provide the student with advanced written communications skills that can be used to support his/her chosen major or profession. The minor draws on courses from English, Communication, and Theatre.


Writing Minor Requirements

Eighteen (18) semester hours:
ENGL 1301 Composition and Rhetoric I
ENGL 1302 Composition and Rhetoric II
Any sophomore literature course
Nine (9) hours from the following, six (6) of which must be upper-division (ENGL 3302 or ENGL 3303 is recommended):
COMM 2339 Mass Media Writing
COMM 3306 Writing for Digital Media
COMM 3308 Public Relations Writing
COMM 3311 Sports Reporting and Writing
ENGL 3302 Advanced Composition and Rhetoric
ENGL 3303 Modern English Grammar
ENGL 3307 Creative Writing
ENGL 3309 Advanced Technical Communication
ENGL 4351 Studies in Writing
HIST 3301 Historiography
THEA 4364 Scriptwriting