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Students pursuing a minor in English can select from a variety of courses intended to increase their appreciation of literature, enhance their understanding of language, and sharpen their writing skills. An English minor is an excellent complement to majors in such fields as history, speech, theater, business, and religion.


English Minor Requirements

English Minor Requirements
Eighteen (18) semester hours:

ENGL 1301 Composition and Rhetoric I
ENGL 1302 Composition and Rhetoric II
Nine (9) hours of English courses, six (6) of which must be upper-division.
Students can also take THEA 3302 Christianity and Theatre.

English Minor (Teaching field) for Secondary Level Certifications, Plan II, on the BSE

Twenty-four (24) semester hours:
ENGL 2341 Forms of Literature
ENGL 3302 Advanced Composition and Rhetoric
ENGL 3303 Modern English Grammar
ENGL 3305 Critical Theory
ENGL 3306 English in the Secondary School
COMM 1301 Introduction to Mass Media
Six (6) hours from the following which must include one American Literature course:
ENGL 4301 20th Century British and European Literature
ENGL 4303 Shakespeare
ENGL 4306 American Modernism and Postmodernism
ENGL 4310 Literary Themes
ENGL 4311 American Realism and Naturalism
ENGL 4312 American Renaissance
ENGL 4313 Ancient World Literature
ENGL 4314 Bible as Literature
ENGL 4315 Long 19th Century
ENGL 4316 Medieval and Renaissance Literature
ENGL 4320 Literary Periods
ENGL 4330 Major Authors
ENGL 4340 Literary Genres
ENGL 4351 Studies in Writing