School of Education
The East Texas Baptist University School of Education prepares highly effective instructional leaders who serve as teachers, school counselors, principals, and superintendents across the State of Texas. With small class sizes and a highly devoted faculty, educator candidates receive a quality professional program, leading to teacher, counselor, principal, and superintendent certification through the Texas Education Agency. Our students acquire strong academic foundations and benefit from practical application of theory in diverse populations through field-based experiences, practicum assignments, and, ultimately, clinical teaching assignments. ETBU students develop and practice ethical and professional practices across all settings and are able to integrate faith appropriately and in alignment with the Christian faith throughout their educational experience. Graduates benefit from the full, traditional University experience and are well prepared to effectively serve students in any school setting.
Admission to the Teacher Education Program of the University is by application to the Dean of the School of Education during the semester in which the student is enrolled in EDUC 3302.
Students who plan to make application for admission to the Teacher Education Program are encouraged to obtain a copy of the admission policy and standards for admission as early as possible to avoid delays in the admission process. Transfer and post-graduate students must satisfy all admission requirements.
NOTE: A transfer student/candidate who has completed a designated certification track in a specific subject area cannot be admitted to our program for the same certification track.
Our Advisory Committee or Teacher Education Council may prescribe additional screening procedures to evaluate the emotional stability and /or communication effectiveness of an applicant. A negative TB test is required before field experiences are scheduled, as is a satisfactory criminal history check - both initially and before clinical teaching.
Accountability and Accreditation
East Texas Baptist University's accreditation status is currently "Not Rated: Declared State of Disaster" by the TExas Education Agency. This status is due to the Governor's declaration of disaster on March 13, 2020, in accordance with Texas Government Code, §418.014. All Educator Preparation Programs (EPP's) in the State of Texas were assigned a status of "Not Rated: Declared State of Disaster" for the 2019-2020 and 2020-2021 academic years. Prior to the declaration of disaster, ETBU has received a status of "Accredited" for the last 5 years. For more information regarding EPP accreditation statuses, please visit the site below.
Code of Ethics and Standards for Texas Educators
The Texas educator should strive to create an atmosphere that will nurture to fulfillment the potential of each student. Our faculty, staff and our candidates are responsible for standard practices and ethical conduct toward students, professional colleagues, parents, and the community at all times. This code is intended to govern the profession; the Professional Practice Commission shall determine the interpretations of the code. The educator who conducts his or her affairs with conscientious concern will exemplify the high standards of professional commitment.
For Our Student Applicants/Candidates
The Educator Code of Ethics is introduced and discussed in EDUC 3301. The TEA Code of Ethics training modules are incorporated into our requirements for future student coursework, as well as our clinical teaching program, as part of their staff development prior to our clinical teachers completing our program.
For Our Professors/Supervisors
The Educator Code of Ethics is shared and addressed with all of our teacher education professors and supervisors annually. The Code of Ethics training link is provided to them as well.
Teacher Certification Process Overview:
- Phase 1: Admission Requirements into the Teacher Education Program
In order to be admitted to the Teacher Education Program, an applicant must:
- Be classified as a sophomore or higher.
- Have met the 2.75 GPA requirements (cumulative, in major, minor, and professional development).
- Have a minimum of 12 semester credit hours in the subject-specific content area for the certification sought, unless certification sought is for mathematics or science at or above Grade 7; or b. 15 semester credit hours in the subject-specific content area for the certification sought if the certification sought is for mathematics or science at or above Grade 7.
- Have completed most general education requirements for the B.S.E.
Testing Scores
ACT SAT TSI TSIA2 (Before1/11/2021) (After 1/11/2021) Composite 23 N/A N/A N/A Combined N/A N/A N/A N/A EBRW/ELAR N/A 480 480 945 -990 + Essay 5
or 910 -944 + DS 5
or 6 + Essay 5 - 8
English 19 N/A N/A N/A Reading N/A N/A 351 N/A Math 19 530 350 950 or 910 - 949 +
DS 6
Writing N/A N/A 350 N/A Essay N/A N/A 5 5 - 8 Demonstrate proficiency in reading, oral and written communication and mathematics with a satisfactory score on the ACT, SAT, TSI, or TSIA2. The ACT, SAT, and TSI, and TSIA2 scores are valid for a period of five years from the date of the test.
The ACT score requirements are a minimum of 23 on the composite score and a minimum of 19 on the English section on 19 on the Math section. The SAT test taken before March 5, 2016 requires a combined score of 1070 and a Reading score of 500 and a Math score of 500.
The SAT test taken after March 5, 2016 requires an EBRW score of 480 and a score of 530 on the Math section.
The TSI score requirements are a 351 on the Reading section, a 350 on the Math section, a score of 350 on the Writing section, and a score 5 on the required Essay.
The TSIA2 requires an EBRW score of 945-990 +Essay 5, or 910-944 + DS 5 or 6 + Essay 5-8. The Math portion requires a score of 950, or 910-949 + DS 6. The Essay portion's required score is 5-8.
Minimum Required Testing Scores
- TOEFL - with score of 26 or higher for international students.
- Criminal Background Check with no offenses.
- Interview Process - in determining applicant's level of teacher skills.
- Make a "C" or higher in Communication 1311, 1315, or equivalent to demonstrate oral proficiency.
- Not be on disciplinary probation.
- FERPA & Code of Ethics - signed documents.
- Completed written essay - "Why I Want to Become a Teacher."
- Two professors' written recommendations.
- Have fully completed the application process prior to the deadline - late fee $75 if submitted within 3 weeks of due date. After that, applicant will have to reapply for next semester.
- Have been approved by Teacher Education Council and applicant signed/returned an acceptance reply to Teacher Education Department. Upon completion of tasks required in the approval letter the applicant is officially admitted.
- Phase 2: Admission to Field - Based block(s) for Elementary (EC-6), Secondary (7-12th), or All Level (EC - 12th) Certification
In order to be admitted to a field-based block, a candidate must:
- Have completed EDUC 3301 with a grade of "C" or higher
- Have completed EDUC 3302 with a grade of "C" or higher
- Have at least a GPA of 2.75 or higher average between the above courses
- Have met all requirements indicated in Level 1 above and already been admitted/ accepted into the Teacher Education Program.
- Not be under Departmental Review / Probation
- Notifications: Required Background Check
19 TAC §227.1(b)
Notifications: Required Background Check
Educator preparation programs (EPPs) shall inform all applicants that:
(1) pursuant to the Texas Education Code (TEC), §22.083, candidates must undergo a criminal history background check prior to employment as an educator; and
(2) pursuant to the TEC, §22.0835, candidates must undergo a criminal history background check prior to clinical teaching.
- Phase 3: Admission to the Clinical Teaching Level Program
To be admitted to the Clinical Teaching Level and be placed in a public school assignment, a teacher candidate must meet all of the following criteria:
- Have completed all requirements indicated on Level 1 and 2 above.
- Have completed all the requirements of the field-based block (s)
- Have a cumulative GPA of 2.75 or higher in all college work at the time of application.
- Have a minimum GPA of 2.75 or higher in the teaching field(s) or interdisciplinary major.
- Have a grade of "C" or higher and cumulative GPA of 2.75 or higher in all professional development courses required for certification.
- Have completed all general education courses as prescribed in the degree plan.
- Have written approval of the major and minor departments.
- Not be on disciplinary probation or departmental review.
- Lack no more than six (6) additional hours, plus clinical teaching to graduate.
- Students may not be admitted to the Teacher Education Program and the Clinical Teaching Level during the same calendar year.
- Criminal background check - cleared
- 2 professors references
- Met testing criteria and passed practice Pedagogy Test (PPR)
- Have completed application and placement forms for a clinical teaching assignment prior to deadline. (Late applications and documentation of the $75.00 late fee must be submitted no later than three (3) calendar weeks past the announced deadline. If a student fails to meet this deadline, they will need to apply during the following semester.)
- Teacher Quality Matrix - as a measure related to teacher suitability / work ethics
- Have been approved the Teacher Education Council and received a signed and dated acceptance reply from the candidate to the Director of Student Field Experiences. On receipt - Candidate is officially admitted as a clinical teacher.
- Graduation and Certification
In order to be recommended for certification, the candidate must:
- Have passed all state mandated required tests for candidate's certification track.
- Complete all academic requirements for the degree.
- Complete all requirements of the Teacher Education Program for the University.
- Apply, pay for teacher certificate and apply, pay for, and complete fingerprinting process. (DPA conducts criminal record search for all certificate applicants)
- Anyone seeking a standard certificate as an educator based upon completion of an approved educator certification program may take the appropriate certification examination required at such time as the entity delivering the certification program determines the individual's readiness to take the examination and meeting test approval criteria. (19 TAC 230.21c)
- Criteria for "Readiness To Test"
In order for us to approve a candidate to take the TExES 160 Pedagogy and Professional Responsibilities Test or the EC-6 Core Subjects Test, the candidate must meet the Teacher Education Department's "readiness to test" requirements. Those are:
- Complete Certify Teacher online preparation program.
- Successful completion of the departmental PPR practice examination.
Candidates receiving content certification at the 7-12 level or EC - 12th grade level - will have their "readiness to test" in their subject area teaching fields determined by their particular departments.
Testing Retake Limits: Each candidate can only be given four (4) retries of that same TExES test if their first attempt to take isn't successful. Upon the fourth retry of attempting to pass and not being successful our education preparation program is required to remove the candidate's opportunity to take again within the parameters of our program.(House Bill 2205)(19 TAC 230.93 & TEC 21.048 a-1)
All certification requirements are subject to the Texas Education Agency (TEA) standards, rules, and regulations. TEA has the authority to suspend, revoke, or refuse to issue a teaching certificate to a person who has been convicted of a felony or misdemeanor for a crime which directly relates to the duties and responsibilities of the teaching profession.
- Exit Policy
Reasons a candidate will be withdrawn from the ETBU educator preparation program (EPP) are as follows:
- A candidate who chooses to withdraw from the EPP must notify the certification officer by stating their intentions by written letter or ETBU Tigermail. A copy of the notification will be placed in the candidate’s department file.
- If a candidate chooses to enroll in a different EPP, the receiving program will need to request a TEA Candidate Transform Form to be completed by the ETBU certification officer. At that time, the certification officer will be required to inform the receiving program if the candidate was in good standing.
- If a candidate is not meeting the requirements of the EPP (e.g., disciplinary reasons and/or academics), the candidate will begin the Departmental Student/Candidate Review Process. Upon completion of the process, the EPP will determine whether the candidate will be required to withdraw or continue in the program.
- If a candidate is inactive and fails to communicate with EPP and/or advisor for one semester, the candidate will not be able to return to the EPP and TEA will be notified.
- If a candidate is not successful in passing 50% of their required certification exams by the written deadline, they will be automatically withdrawn from the EPP.
- General Education Requirements
General Education Requirements 42 hours
English 1301, 1302, and three hours sophomore English Course 9 Hours
Fine Arts 3 Hours
Christian Ministry 1301 and 1330 6 Hours
Political Science 2305 3 Hours
Physical Activity- KINE 1238 2 Hours
Science - GSCI 2401 4 Hours
Mathematics 2351 3 Hours
Psychology 3331 3 Hours
COMM 1311, 1315, or 1318 3 Hours
Professional Development 24 Hours
Major of Study (See Available Majors)
Electives (to total 120 Hours)
Applications to Programs

Specific Certification Processes can be found below.
- Bachelor of Science in Education | Initial Teacher Certification
Earning a degree through the School of Education at East Texas Baptist University has many benefits! Receiving both a Bachelor’s Degree and certification through the Texas Education Agency are two of those. Upon completion of ETBU’s Teacher Education Program, graduates will earn both a Bachelor of Science in Education and a teaching certificate in the content area of their choosing. The School of Education works closely with teacher candidates to successfully obtain both goals. Requirements for each are outlined below.
General Requirements for Bachelor’s Degrees:
- Completion of a minimum of one hundred twenty (120) semester hours.
- Completion of general education and major requirements as listed for the degree sought.
- Completion of English 1301 and 1302 with a grade of C or higher.
- A minimum cumulative GPA (Grade Point Average) of 2.0.
- A minimum grade of “C” on all courses in the major, departmental core, and concentration (if applicable).
- Satisfaction of advance hour credit requirements in all categories.
- A minimum of thirty-nine(39) advanced hours in the degree of which a minimum of thirty-three (33) must be earned at ETBU.
- A minimum of twelve (12) advanced hours in the major earned at ETBU.
- Completion of required chapel/assembly credits.
- See University Academic Catalog for more details.
Requirements for Teacher Certification through the Texas Education Agency:
Upon admission to the Teacher Education Program, teacher candidates complete the steps below (Level 2) to become certified to teach in the State of Texas:
- Complete EDUC 3301 with a grade of “C” or higher.
- Complete EDUC 3302 with a grade of “C” or higher.
- Maintain at least a 2.75 average or higher between EDUC 3301 and EDUC 3302.
- Meet all requirements indicated in the admission process (Level 1) and have already been admitted/accepted in the Teacher Education Program.
- Perform to the level of expectations to the extent that the student is not under Departmental Review. (See the University Academic Catalog for details about Departmental Review.)
- Attainment of admission (Level 1) and all expectations outlined in Level 2 qualify the teacher candidate to advance to clinical teaching (Level 3).
Teacher candidates make application to clinical teaching (Level 3) with guided support from University faculty and staff. In order to be admitted to the clinical teaching level and be placed in a public school assignment, the candidate must meet all of the following criteria:
- Complete all requirements indicated in Levels 1 and 2.
- Complete all requirements of the field-based block(s).
- Present a cumulative GPA of 2.75 or higher in all college work at the time of application.
- Have a minimum GPA of 2.75 in teaching field(s) or interdisciplinary major
- Have a grade of “C” or higher and a cumulative GPA of 2.75 or higher in all professional development courses required for certification
- Have completed all general education courses as prescribed in the degree plan
- Have written approval of the major and minor departments
- Lack no more than three additional hours (plus clinical teaching) to graduate
Other Criteria:
- Not be on disciplinary probation or departmental review
- Have been admitted prior to the current academic year as defined by the Texas Education Agency (September 1st - August 31st)
- Clear the required criminal background check
- Present two professors’ written recommendations
- Complete application and placement forms required to receive a clinical teaching assignment (See University Academic Catalog for details about late application.)
- Pass all required TExES exams
- Have been admitted by ETBU’s Teacher Education Council and accepted admittance to clinical teaching according to communicated timelines
- Certifications Offered
Upon graduation, teacher candidates will be awarded a Bachelor of Science (BSE) in Elementary Education, Secondary Education, or All-Level Education. Within each of these three areas, one of the following certification areas will be selected:
Elementary Education (BSE)
(EC-6) BSE
(EC-6)with English Language Arts and Reading Certification for Grades 4-8 on the BSE
4-8 Grade Education major with Mathematics Certification on the BSE
4-8 Grade Education Major with Science Certification on the BSE
4-8 Grade Education major with Social Studies Certification on the BSE
4-8 Grade Education Major with Language Arts and Reading Certification on the BSESecondary Education (BSE)
Social Studies
Speech CommunicationAll-Level Education
Kinesiology (Physical Education)
Music (Available on the Bachelor of Music only)
Theatre Arts - Admission Requirements
In order to be admitted to the Teacher Education Program, an applicant must:
- Be classified as a sophomore or higher.
- Have met the 2.75 GPA requirements (cumulative, in major, minor, and professional development) with an updated degree audit from the registrar’s office on file that reflects the most recent grades.
- Successfully complete, prior to admission, at least:
- A minimum of twelve (12) semester credit hours in the subject-specific content area for the certification sought unless certification sought is mathematics or science at or above Grade 7; or
- Fifteen (15) semester credit hours in the subject-specific content area for the certification sought if the certification sought is for mathematics or science at or above Grade 7.
- Have completed most general education requirements for the BSE
- Demonstrate proficiency in reading, oral and written communication, and mathematics with a satisfactory score on ACT,SAT, or TSIA-2. (See the University Academic Catalog for score requirements as well as details on length of time scores may be honored.
- Special circumstances for the following applicants are outlined in the University Academic Catalog:
- applicants who have graduated with an associate’s degree or baccalaureate degree from an institution of higher ed may demonstrate basic skills in through alternate methods,
- Veterans of the United States Military, and
- International students who come from countries where the native language is not English.
- Successfully clear the required criminal history background check
- Successfully complete the required interview process
- Make a “C” or higher in Speech 1311, 1315, or equivalent to demonstrate oral proficiency
- Not be on disciplinary probation
- Complete training on and provide written verification of confidentiality (FERPA) and Texas Educator Code of Ethics
- Submit the required written essay
- Submit a completed application by the communicated deadline (See University Academic Catalog for information regarding late submission.)
- Have been admitted by ETBU’s Teacher Education Council and provide written acceptance of admission to the Certification Officer by the deadline
- Completion Requirements and Exit Plan
Readiness to Test
In order to receive approval to take the following Texas Examination of Educator Standards (TExES) exams, the candidate must meet the Teacher Education Department’s “readiness to test” requirements:
- Pedagogy and Professional Responsibilities (PPR)
- The Science of Teaching Reading
- 4-8 Content Test, and
- EX-6 Core Subjects.
The requirements for each of the above outlined exams include:
- Complete assigned online preparation program
- Successfully complete the departmental practice exam(s)
Completion Requirements
Upon completion of admission, field-based, and clinical teaching experiences, teacher candidates must be recommended by East Texas Baptist University to the Texas Education Agency for certification in the State of Texas.
To receive recommendation for certification, teacher candidates must:
- Have passed all state mandated, required Texas Examination of Educator Standards (or TExES) exams in the candidate’s area of certification
- Complete all academic requirements for the degree (BSE)
- Complete all requirements of the Teacher Educator Program for ETBU
- Apply and pay for teacher certificate and apply, pay for, and complete the state required fingerprinting process. (The Texas Department of Public Safety conducts the criminal record search of all certificate applicants.)
All certification requirements are subject to the Texas Education Agency standards, rules, and regulations.The TEA has the authority to suspend, revoke, or refuse issuance of a teaching certificate to any person who is convicted of a felony or misdemeanor for a crime which directly relates to the duties and responsibilities of the teaching profession.
The Texas Education Agency sets limits on the number of retakes that a teacher candidate may take. See the University Academic Catalog for details about these limitations.
- Exit Policy
Reasons a candidate will be withdrawn from the ETBU educator preparation program (EPP) are as follows:
- A candidate who chooses to withdraw from the EPP must notify the certification officer by stating their intentions by written letter or ETBU Tigermail. A copy of the notification will be placed in the candidate’s department file.
- If a candidate chooses to enroll in a different EPP, the receiving program will need to request a TEA Candidate Transform Form to be completed by the ETBU certification officer. At that time, the certification officer will be required to inform the receiving program if the candidate was in good standing.
- If a candidate is not meeting the requirements of the EPP (e.g., disciplinary reasons and/or academics), the candidate will begin the Departmental Student/Candidate Review Process. Upon completion of the process, the EPP will determine whether the candidate will be required to withdraw or continue in the program.
- If a candidate is inactive and fails to communicate with EPP and/or advisor for one semester, the candidate will not be able to return to the EPP and TEA will be notified.
- If a candidate is not successful in passing 50% of their required certification exams by the written deadline, they will be automatically withdrawn from the EPP.