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English Education (secondary) (B.S.E.)

The Department of Languages and Literature seeks to empower scholar-leaders to cultivate and practice the discipline of textual literacy so that they can fulfill their calling of service to God and humanity. Our students cultivate a variety of skills that can be used in many careers; however, by taking a strong blend of English and Education classes, they are well-prepared to become teachers in the secondary classroom. By the time they graduate, our majors will complete a semester of clinical teaching, as well as pass the teaching certification exams required in Texas and the TEXes ELAR 7-12 context exam. Equipped with the knowledge and skills to become effective Christian teachers, ETBU graduates are highly regarded and sought after among school districts throughout Texas for their competency and caliber of training.


1.    Students will be able to write critically. 
2.    Students will be able to read critically. 
3.    Students will be able to find and use appropriate resources for research. 
4.    Students will demonstrate English content mastery by successfully passing the TEXes 7-12 ELAR examination. 


B.S.E. English General Education Requirements

Secondary General Education Requirements – 42 hours
English 1301, 1302, and 2310 Textuality – 9 hours
Fine Arts (three hours from music, theatre, fine arts, arts, or equivalent) –3 hours
istory 1301 and 1302 – 6 hours
Political Science 2305 – 3 hours
Science (must be a lab science) – 4 hours
Physical Activity - KINE 1238 – 2 hours
Christian Ministry 1301 and 1302 – 6 hours
Psychology 3331—3 hours
Mathematics 1342 –3 hours
Speech 1311—3 hours  

Major area of study (see below) – 34 hours
Professional Development (see Professional Development requirements in the Teacher Education section of the catalog) –24 hours
Minor (optional)— 18-25 hours
Electives (to total 120 hours)
Total: Minimum one hundred twenty (120) semester hours

B.S.E. English Major Requirements

English Major (Teaching Field) for Secondary Level Certification Requirements
Completion of thirty-four (34) semester hours:

Core Requirements
Nineteen (19) hours:
COMM 1301 Introduction to Mass Media
EDUC 3304 Curriculum Instruction and Assessment
ENGL 2321 British Literature
ENGL 2326 American Literature
ENGL 3303 Modern English Grammar
ENGL 3306 English in the Secondary School
ENGL 4104 Professional Review

Fifteen (15) hours of courses from the following:
ENGL 3302 Advanced Composition
ENGL 3305 Theory and Criticism
ENGL 3307 Writing Fiction
ENGL 3309 Advanced Technical Communication
ENGL 3310 Writing Nonfiction
ENGL 3314 Writing Poetry
ENGL 4301 20th Century British and European Literature
ENGL 4304 Shakespeare
ENGL 4306 American Modernism and Postmodernism
ENGL 4310 Literary Themes
ENGL 4311 American Realism and Naturalism
ENGL 4312 American Renaissance
ENGL 4313 Ancient World Literature
ENGL 4314 Bible as Literature
ENGL 4315 Long 19th Century
ENGL 4316 Medieval and Renaissance Literature
ENGL 4317 Great Books II
ENGL 4318 Editing and Publishing
ENGL 4320 Literary Periods
ENGL 4330 Major Authors
ENGL 4340 Literary Genres
ENGL 4351 Studies in Writing
THEA 3302 Christianity and Theatre

Semester by Semester Plans

Catalog Year 2024-2025
Catalog Year 2023-2024
Catalog Year 2022-2023
Catalog Year 2021-2022
Catalog Year 2020-2021
Catalog Year 2019-2020
Catalog Year 2018-2019