The Master of Arts in History is an 18-month program focused on preparing students to teach adjunctly or as dual credit instructors and/or for further graduate study. It consists of 33 semester hours in which six hours will be earned by completing a thesis. Students will complete a 24-hour history core and a 9-hour support studies series to enhance teaching through communication and awareness of contemporary cultural issues. All courses will be offered online.
Students completing their undergraduate degree at ETBU may enroll in three hours of graduate courses as seniors. Those hours will count as credit for completion of both the Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees. Through a six-hour thesis project, students will have opportunities for intensive study in their chosen area of research and writing, preparing them for continued study at the doctoral level.
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Writing sample or statement of purpose.
- Writing sample should demonstrate applicant’s ability to do historical research and effectively communicate their findings (undergraduate papers preferred)
- Applicants may also submit a 500-word essay describing why they are choosing to pursue an MA in History.
To see course descriptions, visit the Academic Catalog.
History Core: Twenty-Four (24) semester hours:
HIST 5302 19th Century U.S.
HIST 5303 20th Century U.S
HIST 5304 Historiography and Methods
HIST 5305 Colonial North America
HIST 5307 Modern Europe
HIST 5306 Atlantic World
HIST 6301 Thesis I
HIST 6302 Thesis II
Support Studies: Choose nine (9) semester hours:
CHRM 5311 Christianity and Contemporary Culture or CHRM 5360 World Christianity
EDUC 5302 Educational Psychology and Learning Theory
COMM 5303 Human Communication
For the Master of Arts in History, students will complete a total of 33 graduate credit hours with a grade of “C” or higher and maintain at least a 2.75 grade point average. Students must complete all requirements for the degree within five years of being granted full admission.
Students who fail to maintain at least a 2.75 grade point average will be placed on probation and will have one semester to raise the grade point average. Following that semester, failure to regain at least a 2.75 grade point average will result in dismissal from the program.
Students who earn a grade of “D” or “F” in any one course may be dismissed from the program based on a recommendation from the Program Director and Dean.
1. Explain the significance of important historical events in the context of their time period.
2. Evaluate important historical scholarship using discipline-specific language and practices.
3. Analyze historical sources to discern patterns and connections necessary to create an original argument.
4. Compose and defend an original historical argument meeting professional standards for conference presentation or academic publication.