The B.S.E in Elementary Education PATH program is designed for adult learners wanting to complete their teaching degree in an online environment. It is ideal for current paraprofessionals and others working within school districts who would like to become certified teachers. The program is currently open to students who can complete their clinical teaching hours in Texas.
The Teacher Education Program at East Texas Baptist University provides a comprehensive background of professional education courses designed to prepare future elementary, secondary, and all-level teachers to perform effectively in the classroom setting.
The Texas Education Agency (TEA) establishes teacher certification standards. Any change in these standards must be reflected in East Texas Baptist University’s certification requirements.
Therefore, any modifications in the state law affecting ETBU certification requirements takes precedence over statements in this catalog.
The current certification level for a teaching certificate in the PATH program is Early Childhood (EC)-Grade 6.
The Department of Teacher Education is responsible for developing a strong program of preparation for prospective public school teachers. The purposes of the department include (1) provide a quality professional preparation program leading to teacher certification in Texas, (2) acquire a strong academic foundation, (3) provide practical applications in diverse populations of their field-based experiences, and (4) promote, develop and practice ethical and professional practices with our teacher education students, as well as the faculty and staff in our teacher education program.
Students completing graduation and certification requirements for the B.S.E. will
- Understand the teaching process.
- Meet Texas Education Agency Standards.
- Understand how to develop lessons for the core subject areas or certification area.
The Teacher Education Program and our Advisory Committee are committed to ensuring that all students receive effective, high-level teacher preparation. Components of the field-based program include a full range of experiences with culturally diverse and low socioeconomic students as well
as students who have perceptual/physical challenges within the same classroom. Being organized, using common sense, being a good role model, communicating effectively, having the aptitude to be able to teach through using different methods to meet the needs of students related to student data and assessments are important responsibilities our program and professors desire to address.
Our students undergo a variety of field-based classroom experiences before their entry into clinical teaching:
- Students seeking certification in grades EC-6 receive a total of 280 hours in various elementary classrooms during their sophomore, junior, and senior years before entry into clinical teaching.
The Strategic Action Plan of the department includes the following program evaluation:
- Performance evaluations using various measures.
- Successful performance on tests required for all certification candidates.
- Full appraisal requirements of the state and local district for the program’s students.
- Assessment of learning outcomes - using benchmark process.
Students who desire to transfer into our program will have a transcript evaluation by the Dean of the School of Education to see which courses will be accepted for transfer. In all cases, the university requirements must be met in order to receive a degree from East Texas Baptist University.
Note: A transfer student who has completed a designated certification track in a specific subject area cannot be admitted to our program for the same certification specialization.
The Texas educator should strive to create an atmosphere that will nurture to fulfillment the potential of each student. Our faculty, staff and our candidates are responsible for standard practices and ethical conduct toward students, professional colleagues, parents, and the community at all times. This code is intended to govern the profession; the Professional Practice Commission shall determine the interpretations of the code. The educator who conducts his or her affairs with conscientious concern will exemplify the highest standards of professional commitment.
• For Our Student Applicants/Candidates
The Educator Code of Ethics is introduced and discussed in EDUC 3301. The T.E.A Code of Ethics training modules are incorporated into our requirements for future student coursework, as well as our clinical teaching program, as part of their staff development prior to our clinical teachers
completing our program.
• For our Professors/Supervisors
The Educator Code of Ethics is shared and addressed with all of our teacher education professors and supervisors annually. The Code of Ethics training link is provided to them as well.
- Candidates with a major in elementary education will create and synthesize lessons in multiple subject areas.
- Candidates with a major in elementary education will demonstrate mastery of the required standards in the TEA clinical teaching domains.
- Candidates with a major in elementary education will demonstrate competency of the required standards related to pedagogy and professional responsibility as specified by the Texas Education Agency.
- Candidates with a major in elementary education will demonstrate competency of the elementary core subject areas as specified by the Texas Education Agency.