The School of Business seeks to prepare undergraduate students for careers in business and nonprofit organizations and to provide students with the academic preparation necessary to undertake study in various graduate and professional degree programs. The department strives to instill Christian values in its students and to develop individuals who are committed to the ethical standards in business fostered by the Christian faith. Students completing the undergraduate business degree programs offered by the School of Business should:
- Possess a working knowledge of the core business subjects.
- Be prepared to pursue employment opportunities or graduate studies in business.
- Be able to apply Christian values in their vocational and personal lives.
The Bachelor of Applied Science degree program is designed for working adults, adults who wish to return to school, and other non-traditional students. The degree provides a mechanism to recognize college level learning from prior work experience, individual and other types study, prior academic experience, and transfer credit in fields which are not offered at ETBU.
- Students will be able to apply relevant business concepts to business situations.
- Students will apply knowledge of business software to solve business problems.
1. B.A.S. Students must be a minimum of twenty-four (24) years of age before matriculation to the University.
2. B.A.S. Students may earn course credit through the development of a portfolio based on learning in prior work experience (PLA: Prior Learning Assessment), individual and other types of study, and prior academic experience. This option will help nontraditional students finish a degree in a shorter time frame than most traditional programs.
3. Meet with an assigned advisor to develop an academic plan.
General Education Requirements 34 hours
English - 1301, 1302, and three hours sophomore literature - 3 hours
Christian Ministry - 1301 and 1302 - 6 hours
History - 3 hours
Political Science - 2305 - 3 hours
Social Science - (CJUS, ECON, GEOG, POSC, PSYC, SOCI) - 3 hours
Science (must be lab science) - 4 hours
Mathematics - 3 hours
Communication - 1311, 1315, or 1318 - 3 hours
Major Area of Study (33 hours)
Electives (to total 120 hours)
Total: Minimum one hundred twenty (120) semester hours
Completion of thirty-three (33) semester hours
BUSN 2302 Introduction to Management and Marketing
BUSN 2310 Introduction to Accounting
BUSN 2320 Survey of Economics
BUSN 3301 Finance for Managerial Decision Making
BUSN 3302 Social Media with Software Applications
BUSN 3303 Ethics in Business
BUSN 3304 Personal Finance
BUSN 3350 Consumer Behavior & Analysis
BUSN 3360 Managing Human Resources
BUSN 4320 Advertising & Integrated Brand Promotion
BUSN 4340 Organizational Behavior for Business
Requirements for Bachelor of Applied Science (B.A.S.) Major
39 advanced hours with a cumulative GPA of 2.0
33 advanced hours must be completed at East Texas Baptist University
Note: The Bachelor of Applied Science (B.A.S.) Major does not have a minor. All courses in the major must be completed with a grade of C or higher. Portfolio credit is optional on the B.A.S. and can be used to satisfy degree requirements. If the Portfolio option is selected, the student must enroll in GSTU 3301 as part of the preparation of this portfolio.