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All-Level Physical Education (EC-12) (B.S.E.)

Dean, Frank S. Groner School of Professional Studies
The physiological benefits of exercise upon the human condition are well documented; moreover, research continues to demonstrate the benefits of physical activity on social, spiritual and mental/emotional well being. Attaining knowledge and skills related to physical health, fitness and wellness allows for the promotion of total well being. It is the aim of the Kinesiology department to:

  1. Promote the benefits of an active lifestyle to the campus community.
  2. Prepare students for graduate school who wish to attend.
  3. Prepare professional educators in the field of Physical Education.
  4. Prepare professionals for careers in health, fitness, and wellness industries.
  5. Prepare athletic trainers for careers in education, clinical practice, and amateur or professional sports.


  1. Graduates with a major in All-Level Physical Education will be able to define and explain terms related to the profession. 
  2. Graduates with a major in All-Level Physical Education will be able to create age-appropriate lessons and curriculum for public school Physical Education students. 
  3. Graduates with a major in All-Level Physical Education will be able to plan and instruct developmentally appropriate activities (for assigned K-12 grade levels) to a group of college-aged peers. 
  4. Students in the B.S.E. Physical Education program will organize and administer the Washington Early Childhood Center (WECC) Field Day activity in KINE 2309 Teaching K-5 Physical Education. 
  5. Students in the B.S.E. Physical Education program will organize and administer the Physical Education Workshop program in KINE 2301 Curriculum and Instruction in Physical Education. 
  6. Candidates with a major in All Level education will demonstrate mastery of the required standards in the TEA clinical teaching domains. 
  7. Candidates with a major in an All Level field will demonstrate competency of the required standards related to pedagogy and professional responsibility as specified by the Texas Education Agency. 


All-Level Physical Education General Education Requirements

All-Level Physical Education General Education Requirements - 42 hours
English 1301, 1302, and three hours sophomore literature - 9 hours
Fine Arts (three hours from music, theatre, fine arts, arts, or equivalent) - 3 hours
Religion 1320 and 1330 - 6 hours
History 1301 and 1302 - 6 hours
Political Science 2305 - 3 hours
Social Science - PSYC 3331- 3 hours
Physical Activity - KINE 1238 - 2 hours
Lab Science - BIOL 1414 - with a grade of "C" or better - 4 hours
'Mathematics 1342 - 3 hours
Speech 1311, 1315, or 1318 - 3 hours
Professional Development (See Professional Development Requirements in the Teacher Education section of the catalog) - 24 hours
Major area of study - 36 hours
Electives (to total 120 hours)
Total: Minimum one hundred twenty (120) semester hours

All-Level Kinesiology Major Requirements

All-Level Physical Education Major Requirements
Completion of thirty-six (36) semester hours:
Kinesiology Core (24 semester hours):
KINE 1301 Introduction to Kinesiology
KINE 1306 First Aid and Safety
KINE 3310 Concepts of Personal Health and Wellness
KINE 3311 Exercise Physiology
KINE 3312 Kinesiology and Applied Anatomy
KINE 4301 Organization and Administration of Kinesiology and Sport
KINE 4303 Applied Biomechanics
KINE 4306 Evaluation in Kinesiology
All-Level Physical Education Certification Emphasis (12 semester hours)
KINE 2303 Lifespan Motor Development
KINE 2309 Teaching K-5 Physical Education
KINE 2310 Teaching 6-12 Physical Education 
KINE 3319 Curriculum and Instruction in Physical Education

Requirements For Admission To The Teacher Education Program

LEVEL 1: Complete requirements for admission to the Teacher Education Program.
In order to be admitted to the Teacher Education Program, an applicant must:
1. Be classified as a sophomore or higher.
2. Have met the 2.75 GPA requirements (cumulative, in major, minor, and professional development). Have an updated degree audit from the registrar's office on file that reflects most recent grades.
3. 15 hrs. for 7th-12th grades in all content areas. 12 hrs. for EC-6th grades - combined in Math, Science, Social Studies, and English.
4.  Have completed most general education requirements for the B.S.E.
5. Demonstrate proficiency in reading, oral and written communication, and mathematics with a satisfactory score on ACT, SAT, or TSI. The ACT, SAT, and TSI scores are valid for a period of five years from the date of the test. The ACT score requirements are a minimum of 23 on the composite score and a minimum of 19 on the English section and 19 on the Math section. The SAT test taken before March 5, 2016, requires a combined score of 1070 and a Reading score of 500 and a Math score of 500. The SAT test taken after March 5, 2016, requires an EBRW score of 480 and a score of 530 on the Math section. The TSI score requirements are a 355 on the Reading section, a 356 on the Math section, a score of 355 on the Writing section, and a score of 5 on the required Essay. 
 6. TOEFL - with a score of 26 or higher on the speaking portion for international students who come from countries where the native language is not English.
7. Criminal background check - cleared.
8. Interview Process - in determining the applicant's level of teacher skills. Other Criteria:
9. Make a “C” or higher in Speech 1311, 1315, or equivalent to demonstrate oral proficiency.
10. Not be on disciplinary probation.
11. FERPA and Code of Ethics - signed documents.
12. Completed written essay - "Why I Want to Become a Teacher."
13. Two professors' written recommendations.
14. Have fully completed the application process prior to the deadline - late fee $75. Failure to submit within three weeks of due date - will need to reapply for next semester.
15. Have been admitted by our Advisory Committee & Teacher Education Council and applicant signed/returned an acceptance reply to Teacher Education Department. Upon receipt - applicant is officially admitted. 
LEVEL 2: Admission to Field Based Blocks for: Elementary(EC-6th), Secondary(7th12th), or All-Level(EC-12th) Certification In order to be admitted to a field-based block, a candidate must:
1. Have completed EDUC 3301 with a grade of “C” or higher
2. Have completed EDUC 3302 with a grade of "C" or higher
3. Have at least a 2.75 average or higher between EDUC 3301 and 3302
4. Have met all requirements indicated in Level 1 above, and have already been admitted/accepted into the Teacher Education Program.
5. Not be under Departmental Review.  
LEVEL 3: Admission to the Clinical Teaching Level Program. In order to be admitted to the Clinical Teaching Level and be placed in a public school assignment, a student must meet all of the following criteria:
1. Have completed all requirements indicated in Levels 1 and 2 above.
2. Have completed all requirements of the field-based block(s).
3. Have a cumulative GPA of 2.75 or higher in all college work at the time of application.
4. Have a minimum GPA of 2.75 or higher in teaching field(s) or interdisciplinary major.
5. Have a grade of “C” or higher and a cumulative GPA of 2.75 or higher in all professional development courses required for certification.
6. Have completed all general education courses as prescribed in the degree plan.
7. Have written approval of the major and minor departments.
8. Lack no more than six additional hours, plus clinical teaching to graduate. Other Criteria:
9. Not be on disciplinary probation or departmental review.  
10. Students may not be admitted to the Teacher Education Program and the Clinical Teaching Level during the same semester.
11. Criminal background check - cleared.
12. Two professors' written recommendations.
13. Have completed application and placement forms for a clinical teaching assignment prior to deadline. (Late applications and documentation of the $75.00 late fee must be submitted no later than three calendar weeks past the announced deadline.  If a student fails to meet this deadline they will not be eligible to clinical teach during the following semester.)
14. Met testing criteria and passed the practice Pedagogy Test (PPR).
15. Teacher Quality Matrix - used as a measure related to clinical teacher suitability/work ethics.
16. Have been admitted by our Advisory Committee & Teacher Education Council and received an acceptance reply from the candidate to the Director of Student Field Experiences. On receipt - candidate is officially coded as clinical teacher.

Note: The student is encouraged, but not required, to use available elective hours to take courses toward additional potential teaching fields. The elective hours are meant to meet each student’s unique professional needs, so they should be chosen with the input of an advisor from within the department.

Clinical Teaching in Public Schools


In order for a clinical teacher to be placed in the public schools for clinical teaching, he or she must have a cumulative grade point average of 2.75 or higher on all college work and 2.75 in all professional development courses(any course below a "C" will be required to be retaken), AND in the selected teaching field(s) or in the interdisciplinary major must have a 2.75 or better. Any probation or suspension from the University automatically removes a student from the Clinical Teaching Program. The student, if qualified, may apply for readmission after satisfying all University requirements. The clinical teaching experience consists of six semester hours and a minimum of fifteen consecutive weeks of all day assignments which will begin during the public school in-service period. Specific criteria for clinical teaching courses will be found in the course descriptions and Clinical Teaching Handbook. Generally speaking our students are placed into two (2) seven week blocks in two different grade levels and/or districts to give them more opportunities to work with more diverse groups of students and two different school cultures. Our Advisory Committee is given input regarding assignments. Clinical Teachers must attempt all their certification tests prior to completing clinical teaching. If not attempted – the clinical teacher will receive an “I” until this requirement has been met. 

Clinical Teaching Seminars


During full-time clinical teaching, clinical teachers are required to meet weekly on Mondays with their university supervisor. Small group seminars will be held outside of regular school hours on our E.T.B.U. campus. Attendance, academic tasks required, participation during these meetings will count in the overall grade for clinical teaching. Periodic collaborative seminars are also held at the end of the school day, where all clinical teachers meet for important staff development related to topics essential for a beginning teacher regarding: discipline, student rapport, classroom management, working with diverse populations and student needs, lesson planning related to student data, teacher appraisal system, resume development, interviewing skills, tips and resources for the first year teacher to know and utilize. 

Guidelines For Clinical Teaching Assignments


The Director of Clinical Teaching, in collaboration with local school districts, principals, central office district personnel will make the teacher assignments – given the following criteria:

•  Assignments will be made only with school districts where it is possible for the clinical teacher to attend the required weekly seminar.

•  School districts listed on the University’s list of approved districts which have a program that is of a quality nature, and are used in making assignments.

•The class and school have a wide range of activities and program experiences available.

• A cooperating teacher must be a certified teacher, with at least three years of teaching experience –recommended by the  principal and/or leadership personnel  in  the  school district with effective classroom management and instructional delivery.

• The Cooperating teacher must agree  to work with our clinical teacher and is trained by our Director of Field Experiences  regarding his/her roles and responsibilities, prior to or within a week of the arrival of his/her clinical teacher.

• Clinical Teacher requests are considered –but a request outside the school districts listed below will require the passing of all  that clinical teacher’s state TExES tests prior to being able to be considered for acceptance into clinical teaching and have a 3.25 or higher GPA overall, in Professional courses, and in their content area. There must also be a hardship need that must be submitted in writing along with the Clinical Teaching application. Additional fees may also be incurred for this request.  Our Advisory Committee and Teacher Education Council help provide a voice in the approval for such request.

Graduation and Certification Process


In order to be recommended for certification, the candidate must:
1. Have passed all state mandated required TExES tests for candidate’s certification track.
2. Complete all academic requirements for the degree.
3. Complete all requirements of the Teacher Education Program for E.T.B.U.
4. Apply, pay for teacher certificate and apply, pay for, and complete fingerprinting process. (DPS conducts criminal record search of all certificate applicants.)
5. Anyone seeking a standard certificate as an educator based upon completion of an approved educator certification program may take the appropriate certification examination required at such time as the entity delivering the certification program determines the individual's readiness to take the examination and meeting test approval criteria. (19 TAC 230.21c).

All certification requirements are subject to the TEA standards, rules, and regulations. TEA has the authority to suspend, revoke, or refuse the issue of a teaching certificate to a person who is convicted of a felony or misdemeanor for a crime that directly relates to the duties and responsibilities of the teaching profession.

Criteria For "Readiness To Test" and Retake Limits


In order for us to approve a candidate to take the TExES 160 Pedagogy and Professional Responsibilities Test or the EC-6 Core Subjects Test, the candidate must meet the Teacher Education Department’s "readiness to test" requirements. They are:
1. Complete Certify Teacher online preparation program.
2. Successful completion of the departmental PPR practice examination. Candidates receiving content certification at the 7-12 level or EC-12th grade level will have their “readiness to test” in their subject area teaching fields determined by their particular departments


Each candidate can only be given four (4) retries of that same TExES test if their first attempt to take isn't successful. Upon the fourth retry of attempting to pass and not being successful, our education preparation program is required to remove the candidate’s ability to take additional time. (Texas Education Code §21.048) Waiver to test again must be sent by candidate to S.B.E.C.

Semester by Semester Plans

Catalog Year 2024-2025
Catalog Year 2023-2024
Catalog Year 2022-2023
Catalog Year 2021-2022
Catalog Year 2020-2021
Catalog Year 2019-2020
Catalog Year 2018-2019

Course Rotations

Four Year Course Rotations