“I was looking for a university that focused on Christ,” Panissa (Dor) Williams (’07) reflects on the campus tour she took at ETBU in 2004. “The feeling of community” she experienced as a first impression proved to be exactly what she was looking for and continues to serve her today. “I am still friends with people who attended ETBU with me. My best friend and I still talk almost every day.”
Mrs. Williams currently serves as the Director of Marketing and Product Development for Clavél Corporation, a cosmetic manufacturer of quality Health & Beauty products. “ETBU really taught me how to work hard and press forward. I was dedicated to my classes and I believe I took the same level of dedication into my career.” In her current fast-paced environment, Mrs. Williams says she “believes in approaching everyone and every situation with the sincere kindness that was shown to her at ETBU.”
During her years on the Hill, many individuals made lasting impacts. Panissa says this about her academic advisor, “He made me feel like I could exceed at anything I wanted to do, and I would go to him to seek advice about classes, grades, career choices, etc. He was so approachable and always willing to help where he could.”
Reflecting back on all her experiences at ETBU, Panissa shares, “Everything seemed approachable. The professors, the dreams you may have, as well as being involved in various student organizations and clubs. At ETBU, you were really seen as an individual and everyone wanted to contribute to your success.”