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East Texas Baptist University holds All-American Labor Day Celebration on the Hill

September 9, 2020

East Texas Baptist University holds All-American Labor Day Celebration on the Hill

In celebration of America’s hardworking people, East Texas Baptist University hosted Labor Day weekend events for ETBU students. A series of exciting and engaging student-life activities such as a concert from Curtis Grimes, fireworks, a barbeque lunch, and intramural activities provided students with additional options to safely fellowship with their peers, while remaining on campus during the holiday.

ETBU celebrates record student enrollment despite COVID-19 crisis

August 26, 2020

ETBU celebrates record student enrollment despite COVID-19 crisis

Despite the uncertainties of the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic, East Texas Baptist University is celebrating its highest recorded student enrollment in the University’s 108-year history with 1,714 total students, reflecting an 8% increase over Fall 2019, and an 84% undergraduate retention rate (3% higher than the five-year average). The total graduate enrollment exhibits the highest graduate enrollment in University history, up by 22% from last year.

The Fall 2020 semester brings exciting student life back to the Hill

August 21, 2020

The Fall 2020 semester brings exciting student life back to the Hill

On-campus student life is in full swing as East Texas Baptist University begins the 2020-2021 academic school year. The year kicked off with almost 400 students enrolled in the August Mini-Terms, which allow completion of the equivalent semester-long courses in one-week and two-week class offerings. Fall semester classes began on Monday, August 17. This fall on-campus student experience was eagerly anticipated, as students attended classes online since mid-March due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Drone Shot of Campus

August 5, 2020

ETBU receives $1.5 million grant from Mabee Foundation

As East Texas Baptist University seeks to expand academic capabilities, enhance program offerings, and further spread the Gospel across East Texas and throughout the world, the J.E. and L. E. Mabee Foundation recently awarded ETBU a challenge grant in the amount of $1,500,000 towards the construction of the Great Commission Center (GCC), the future home for ETBU's Fred Hale School of Business.

Irene Sisk donates $100,000 for ETBU Sisk Health Services Clinic and endowed scholarship

August 3, 2020

Irene Sisk donates $100,000 for ETBU Sisk Health Services Clinic and endowed scholarship

Irene Sisk (’48) of Bonham recently gave $100,000 to East Texas Baptist University. A $75,000 gift is designated for the new on-campus Health Services Clinic, and $25,000 is designated for an endowed student scholarship. ETBU’s health clinic will be named the Sisk Health Services Clinic in honor of Mrs. Sisk’s generosity and in memory of her late husband, Dr. Walter Sisk, M.D.