In celebration of America’s hardworking people, East Texas Baptist University hosted Labor Day weekend events for ETBU students. A series of exciting and engaging student-life activities such as a concert from Curtis Grimes, fireworks, a barbeque lunch, and intramural activities provided students with additional options to safely fellowship with their peers, while remaining on campus during the holiday.
“The Student Engagement team worked to make Labor Day weekend a great opportunity to relax and recuperate from the first few weeks of classes without having to leave campus, because the less we all travel, the less likely we are to expose ourselves to contagious illnesses,” ETBU President J. Blair Blackburn said. “Our students’ health and safety continue to be our first priority, and we must do what we can on an individual basis to ensure that our campus remains safely open. We encouraged students to take advantage of these opportunities, get to know other Tigers, celebrate the holiday, and have a fun time, all while remaining safe and healthy on the Hill.”
The weekend began on Thursday, September 3, with two student recitals in the Jenna Guest Music Building. Students exercised their trivia muscles during the Jeopardy Game night in Baker Chapel on Friday, and relaxed during Donuts at Dark afterward. On Saturday, 2019 ETBU graduate and award-winning Christian and Country music artist Curtis Grimes performed at Ornelas Stadium.
“My favorite part of the weekend was the Curtis Grimes concert, it was a great opportunity to make memories with friends and escape school work and responsibility for a little while,” ETBU sophomore Kathryn Pedroza said. “This weekend was fun. There were so many opportunities to build community and relationships with the people around us. ETBU has done a great job with creating opportunities to do things on campus despite COVID-19. I really appreciate these events and activities because they could have easily said we couldn't. We all enjoy the events as ETBU takes the extra steps to make sure we feel safe while participating. I've enjoyed these opportunities to fellowship because we've been in quarantine for so long and now, we can finally get back to interacting with others.”
Sunday evening and Monday were filled with various games and classic outdoor activities such as a spikeball and corn hole tournaments, ultimate frisbee, kickball, and soccer. The barbeque lunch fellowship was enjoyed at the Grove, and snow cones from Kona Ice were served later in the afternoon. Monday evening concluded with a drive-in movie at the University Apartments parking lot.
"I’m so glad that we got to come back together on the Hill,” ETBU sophomore Abigail Jones said. “Even though we have to take precautions with COVID, I've been able to spend so much time with my classmates and friends. The opportunity to grow together in Christ is what makes the ETBU college experience so amazing."