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News about "Great East Texas Hymn Sing"

Three musicians singing on a stage

September 20, 2024

ETBU’s Great East Texas Hymn Sing Unites Generations

East Texas Baptist University hosted its 14th annual Great East Texas Hymn Sing on Friday, September 20, at Baker Chapel in the Rogers Spiritual Life Center. The event brought together hundreds of participants, including students, faculty, staff, alumni, community members, and churches from across East Texas and neighboring states, for an afternoon of worship, fellowship, and a shared celebration of Christian faith.

Men and women on stage singing with people worshipping in the foreground in a chapel

September 22, 2023

ETBU hosts thirteenth annual Great East Texas Hymn Sing

Hundreds gathered for East Texas Baptist University’s annual Great East Texas Hymn Sing on Friday, September 22, in Baker Chapel of the Rogers Spiritual Life Center. ETBU welcomed students, faculty and staff, alumni, community members, and churches from around the East Texas region and neighboring states for an afternoon of worship, fellowship, and celebration of Christian faith.