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News - 2024

A group of individuals pose on the beach holding a flag with the ETBU logo on it

March 22, 2024

ETBU Students Serve Across Texas on Spring Break

East Texas Baptist University students showcased their dedication to service and mission work during spring break as they engaged in projects across Texas. A group of students from ETBU's Baptist Student Ministry (BSM) spent the week in South Padre Island for Beach Reach, while others participated in disaster recovery mission work through the BOUNCE ministry in Katy, Texas.

Students pose for a group photo after being inducted into the Alpha Lambda Delta Honor Society

March 21, 2024

ETBU Hosts Fourth Induction of Alpha Lambda Delta Honor Society

East Texas Baptist University inducted 67 students into the prestigious Alpha Lambda Delta Honor Society (ALD) during a ceremony at ETBU’s Great Commission Center on Thursday, March 21. A national honor society, ALD distinguishes first-year academic success with invitations to join extended only to students who obtain a 3.5 GPA or higher during the first semester of their freshman year.

Eleven ETBU students stand together in a group after being presented with the ETBU Presidential Scholar Award

March 19, 2024

ETBU honors students at Presidential Scholars Society and Honors Program Dinner

East Texas Baptist University (ETBU) proudly honored academic excellence and Christian scholarship at the Presidential Scholars Society and Honors Program Dinner held on Tuesday, March 19, 2024, in the Great Hall of ETBU’s Great Commission Center. The event, hosted by ETBU President Dr. J. Blair Blackburn, recognized students who have achieved extraordinary success in their educational pursuits throughout their time at ETBU, as well as students who are members of ETBU’s Honors Program.

A college student sitting on a gym floor reading with two grade school students

March 18, 2024

ETBU Volleyball Team visits Chile During Spring Break as part of Tiger Athletic Mission Experience

The East Texas Baptist University Volleyball visited Chile during the University’s Spring Break holiday to do mission work March 8-16. The eight-day trip was part of the Tiger Athletics Mission Experience (TAME), which allows student-athletes to use their God-given talents and abilities to share their faith with people all across the globe as they strive to transform the world for Christ.

Three men holding awards in the center with two men on either side smiling at the camera

February 27, 2024

East Texas Baptist University Honors T. Whitfield Davidson Foundation at Good Samaritan Award & ETBU Scholarship Banquet

East Texas Baptist University recognized the Thomas Whitfield Davidson Foundation as the 2024 ETBU Good Samaritan Award recipient on Tuesday, February 27, at the Great Commission Center on ETBU's campus. Inspired by the parable in Luke 10:25-37, the Good Samaritan Award & ETBU Scholarship Banquet celebrates individuals and organizations who exemplify the spirit of "loving your neighbor as yourself."