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News - 2024

A large group of graduates in blue robes poses in front of a historic red-brick university building.

December 7, 2024

East Texas Baptist University Confers 202 Graduates during Fall Commencement

On Saturday, December 7, East Texas Baptist University celebrated the achievements of 202 graduates at its commencement ceremonies in Baker Chapel of the Rogers Spiritual Life Center. Guided by the University's President, Dr. J. Blair Blackburn, the ceremony marked the conferral of degrees to 140 undergraduate and 62 graduate students. The event was filled with Scripture readings, songs of praise and worship, heartfelt prayers, and blessings bestowed upon the graduates.

Aerial shot of Marshall Hall positioned at the center of ETBU's Campus

December 5, 2024

East Texas Baptist University Awarded $2.2 Million Title III Grant to Strengthen Student Success

East Texas Baptist University has been awarded a $2,208,000 grant from the U.S. Department of Education’s Strengthening Institutions Program (SIP). This Title III grant, titled Project G.P.A. – Grow! Perform! Achieve! will be dispersed over the next five years to enhance ETBU’s academic support initiatives and student success programs.

More than a dozen students stand around large stacks of Christmas boxes filled with donations

November 26, 2024

ETBU Spreads Christmas Joy Worldwide Through Operation Christmas Child

East Texas Baptist University participated in its ninth annual Operation Christmas Child, an outreach program organized by Samaritan’s Purse. This ministry involves filling shoeboxes with small toys, school supplies, hygiene products, and other items sent to children worldwide as Christmas gifts and tangible reminders of God’s love for them. This year, ETBU also served as a designated drop-off location, inviting the surrounding community to join in spreading joy and hope.

Smiling woman in a professional outfit stands in a modern nursing simulation lab, with hospital beds, mannequins, and medical equipment visible in the background.

November 19, 2024

Governor Greg Abbott Appoints ETBU Professor Dr. Antay Waters to Perinatal Advisory Council

East Texas Baptist University Teague School of Nursing Assistant Professor Dr. Antay Waters has been appointed by Governor Greg Abbott to the Texas Perinatal Advisory Council. Dr. Waters, the only advanced practice nurse on the 19-member council, will serve a three-year term. The council is tasked with developing and recommending neonatal and maternal care standards for clinical care settings across the state.