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News - 2016

April 13, 2016

ETBU School of Christian Studies Hosting T. B. Maston Lecture Series on April 13

MARSHALL, Texas (4/5/16) – The East Texas Baptist University School of Christian Studies is hosting the T.B. Maston Lecture Series on Wednesday, April 13. The speaker is Dr. Roger Olson, Foy Valentine Professor of Christian Theology and Ethics, at Baylor University’s George W. Truett Theological Seminary. A luncheon will be held from 11:15 a.m.-12:00 p.m. with the lecture, “America Critically Examined,” from 12:00 p.m.-1:00 p.m.

April 12, 2016

Sgt. Shirey Returns to ETBU to Sing With “Singing Sergeants” and USAF Band

MARSHALL, Texas (4/11/16) – When a young man or woman enlists to serve in any branch of the United States military service there is an expectancy one will experience a life that is challenging and exciting as they serve. For East Texas Baptist University alum and United States Air Force Technical Sgt., Hannah Rigg Shirey that has been true as she serves with the Singing Sergeants.

April 9, 2016

ETBU and the Hispanic Baptist Convention of Texas Announce Scholarship Opportunity

MARSHALL, Texas (4/4/16) - East Texas Baptist University and the Hispanic Baptist Convention of Texas announces a partnership to create scholarships for incoming students. The ETBU Hispanic Christian Servant Leadership Scholarship is designed to help outstanding young Hispanic students continue their education as they prepare for God’s call on their lives.