"He has shown you, O man, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? Do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with your God." Micah 6:8
Eric Hillman is an Associate Professor of Criminal Justice at ETBU. He earned a bachelor's degree in social sciences, and a doctor of jurisprudence degree, from the University of Houston. He is a veteran of the Houston Police Department where he served as an officer, sergeant, lieutenant, staff attorney, and police academy instructor. He currently maintains a TCOLE commission with the Houston County Sheriff's Office. Texas Governor Rick Perry awarded the TCOLE Professional Achievement Award to Hillman for criminal justice curriculum that he has taught in various venues across the state and country. Hillman has also served as an assistant district attorney in both Nueces County and Tyler County, Texas. In addition, Hillman served as a staff attorney for the Texas Department of Criminal Justice, where he worked as a public defender. Hillman also worked in the private sector as an emergency management consultant during the flood recovery in New Orleans, and for other natural disasters around the country. Hillman served for 10 years as the director of an inner-city Boy's Club reaching out to at-risk youth. Hillman taught criminal justice courses at two other Texas colleges before coming to ETBU. Hillman teaches Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure, Police Procedures, Community Policing, Crime Scene Investigations, Critical Incident Management, Legal Aspects of Law Enforcement, and several other criminal justice courses.