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About ETBU

Meet Dr. Firew Gemeda

"For God, who said, 'Let light shine out of darkness,” made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of God’s glory displayed in the face of Christ.'" 2 Corinthians 4:6

Dr. Firew Gemeda is an Assistant Professor of Chemistry at East Texas Baptist University. He earned an MSc in Physical Chemistry from Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia, in 2008. He then pursued an MChem degree and a Ph.D. in photochemical sciences at Bowling Green State University, Ohio. Dr. Gemeda's area of study focuses on Ultrafast Excited State Dynamics of Inorganic Molecules Related to Modern Light Harvesting Applications, where he used light to study the physical and chemical properties of molecules. He also worked at SmartSolve Industries, located in Ohio, as a Chemist, where his role was studying Biopolymers for food packaging applications. Dr. Gemeda is also very passionate about understanding and applying God’s Light that comes to our lives through Jesus Christ, who is the Sun of Righteousness. He believes that God’s Light restores life, potential and purpose to our life and every activity we do as we determine to walk in His Light. At East Texas Baptist University, it is Dr. Gemeda's great desire and pursuit to integrate the Word of God, His manifested Light, into the academic work and into the lives of his students. He lives in Marshall with his wife, Tigist Maru, and their four boys (Praise, Emmanuel, Daniel, and Asher).
