You must have JavaScript enabled to use this form. Complete this form before enrolling in transfer courses from another institution. An official transcript must be sent from the other institution directly to the ETBU Registrar's Office in order to receive credit for the coursework. Complete all of the following information. A separate form is required for each course to be transferred. Submission of this form indicates that you have read and understood the transfer policies listed below. Student Information Contact Info First and last name ETBU ID# Email Phone Catalog Year - None -2016-20172017-20182018-20192019-20202020-20212021-20222022-20232023-2024 Select Major - Select -AccountingAthletic TrainingBiologyBusiness AdministrationBusiness StudiesChemistryChild DevelopmentCriminal JusticeElementary EducationEnglishHealth ScienceHistoryHistory/Secondary EducationInternational StudiesKinesiologyKinesiology EC-12 CertificationKinesiology- Wellness ManagementManagementMarketingMass CommunicationMathematical SciencesMathematics/Secondary EducationMusicMusic and Worship in MinistryMusic (EC-12 Certification)NursingPiano PerformancePolitical SciencePsychologyPublic RelationsRehabilitative ScienceReligionScience/Secondary EducationSocial Studies/Secondary EducationSociologySpeech CommunicationSpeech/Secondary EducationSport ManagementTheatre ArtsTheatre Arts (EC-12 Certification)UndecidedUniversity StudiesVocal Performance Select Minor - None -AccountingAthletic TrainingBiologyBusiness AdministrationBusiness StudiesChemistryChild DevelopmentCriminal JusticeElementary EducationEnglishHealth ScienceHistoryHistory/Secondary EducationInternational StudiesKinesiologyKinesiology EC-12 CertificationKinesiology- Wellness ManagementManagementMarketingMass CommunicationMathematical SciencesMathematics/Secondary EducationMusicMusic and Worship in MinistryMusic (EC-12 Certification)NursingPiano PerformancePolitical SciencePsychologyPublic RelationsRehabilitative ScienceReligionScience/Secondary EducationSocial Studies/Secondary EducationSociologySpeech CommunicationSpeech/Secondary EducationSport ManagementTheatre ArtsTheatre Arts (EC-12 Certification)UndecidedUniversity StudiesVocal Performance Transfer Course Info Choose Course Category/Type: - Select - General Education RequirementMajor/Minor/Specialization RequirementElective Credit Choose the college or university at which you plan to take the course. Choose the college or university at which you plan to take the course. - Select -Alamo CollegesTEXAS COMM. COLLEGESAlvin Community CollegeAmarillo CollegeAngelina CollegeAustin Comm. Coll. Dist.Blinn CollegeBrazosport CollegeCentral Texas CollegeCisco CollegeClarendon CollegeCoastal Bend CollegeCollege of the MainlandCollin County Comm. Coll. Dist.Dallas County Comm. Coll. Dist.Del Mar CollegeEl Paso Comm. Coll. Dist.Frank Phillips CollegeGalveston CollegeGrayson CollegeHill CollegeHouston Comm. Coll. Dist.Howard CollegeJacksonville CollegeKilgore CollegeLaredo Comm. Coll. Dist.Lee CollegeLone Star College SystemMcLennan Comm. CollegeNavarro CollegeNorth Central Texas CollegeNortheast Texas Comm. Coll.Odessa CollegePanola CollegeParis Junior CollegeRanger CollegeSan Jacinto College DistrictSouth Plains CollegeSouthwest Texas Junior Coll.Tarrant County College DistrictTemple CollegeTexarkana CollegeTexas Southmost CollegeTrinity Valley Comm. Coll.Texas State Technical CollegeTyler Junior CollegeVernon CollegeVictoria CollegeWeatherford CollegeWestern Technical CollegeWestern Texas CollegeWharton County Junior College---TEXAS UNIVERSITIES---Austin CollegeBaylor UniversityDallas Baptist UniversityHardin Simmons UniversityHoward Payne UniversityLeTourneau UniversityLubbock Christian UniversityMidwestern State Univ.Stephen F. Austin State Univ.Sul Ross State UniversityTexas A&M UniversityTexas A&M Univ. CommerceTexas A&M Univ. TexarkanaUniversity of Texas at ArlingtonUniversity of Texas at AustinUniversity of Texas at TylerUniv. of North TexasUniv. of Mary Hardin BaylorWayland Baptist UniversityWiley College---Arkansas---Arkansas State UnivHarding UniversityHenderson State UnivOuachita Baptist UnivUniversity of ArkansasUniv of Arkansas-Monticello---LOUISIANA---Bossier Parrish Community CollLouisiana CollegeLouisiana State-ShreveportLouisiana State-AlexandriaLouisiana State-New OrleansLouisiana State-EuniceLouisiana TechOther… Enter other… Course Department (i.e. HIST, MATH, etc.): Course Number: Course Title: Semester/Term to be taken - Select -FallSpringMaySummerWinter YEAR TO BE TAKEN: ETBU Course Info ETBU Dept. to be used: - Select -ACCTARTSBIOLBUADBUSNCHEMCHRMCOMMCOSCCJUSECONEDUCENGLFINAFNATFORSFRENGSCIGSTUGEOGGREKHEBRHISTHNRSHUMAKINELASTLEADMGMTMKTGMATHMUSIMUAPMUENNURSPSCIPOSCPSYCREADRLGNSSCISOCISPANSPCHTHEAELECTIVE ETBU Course Number ETBU Course Title Is this a repeat of a course previously taken at ETBU? - Select -YesNo Are you a student athlete on an ETBU NCAA or Club sports team? - Select -YesNo Transfer Policies Official transcripts for work elsewhere must be sent directly to the Registrar's Office before credit can be awarded. Total course load in any semester must not exceed 18 hours (or 7 in short terms) without permission from your Advisor, the Advisor's Dean, and the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs. As of the Fall of 2016, no student may transfer more than 16 hours post-matriculation.