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Nursing Program Application

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Application for Admission to the Bachelor of Science in Nursing Program

The application deadline for Fall 2025 admission is April 1, 2025.


The email address that you provide to the Board is required in order to schedule fingerprinting for your criminal background check. The email address that you provide to the Board is subject to release to the public pursuant to the Texas Public Information Act.

Current Mailing Address
Permanent Mailing Address (Only if different from current mailing address)

Emergency Contact Information

Emergency Contact

Educational Background (List most recent first)

Have you been enrolled in any professional nursing program in the past?

Applicants who have been previously enrolled in a professional nursing program must secure a letter of standing from the Dean or Director of that nursing school in order to be considered for acceptance into the ETBU nursing program. The letter must be mailed directly to the ETBU Teague School of Nursing at One Tiger Drive, Marshall, TX, 75670. In addition, the applicant must provide a written explanation as to why the program previously enrolled in was not completed.

Prerequisite Courses

The courses listed below are the required prerequisite courses. Coursework transferred from elsewhere will be evaluated for equivalency or appropriate substitution upon receipt of official transcript(s). These courses must be completed prior to final acceptance into the nursing program:

LEAD 1111* Learning & Leading (*1st time Freshman; Transfer students w/ <20 hours)
RLGN 1320 or 1330 Old or New Testament
RLGN 3352 or 3355 Christian Ethics or Bioethics
ENGL 1301 Rhetoric & Composition I,
ENGL 1302 Rhetoric & Composition II
ENGL 2321/2326/2331 Sophomore Literature
HIST 1301 US History to 1877
KINE 1238 Lifetime Fitness
SPCH 1318 Interpersonal Speech
Fine Arts Music, Theatre, or Arts (3 hours)
POSC 2305 American Government
MATH 1342 Elementary Statistics or MATH 1329 Between the Lines; Stats in Baseball
PSYC 2314 Development Thru Life Span
BIOL 1322 Nutrition
CHEM 1305 & 1105 Chemical Concepts & Lab
BIOL/NURS 1421 & 1421L Fundamentals of A&P I & Lab
BIOL/NURS 1422 & 1422L Fundamentals of A&P II & Lab
BIOL/NURS 2421 & 2421L Fundamentals of Micro & Lab
NURS 3350 Concepts of Pathophysiology
NURS 3311 Intro to Professional Nursing 

By signing above, I certify that the information on this application is complete and accurate in every respect. I understand that failure to provide accurate and complete information or providing false information may result in cancellation of the application, denial of admission, and/or revocation of admission.