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Samaritan's Feet 2017

April 12, 2017

ETBU students serve East Texas elementary children

Serving the elementary children of Marshall Independent School District, the East Texas Baptist University athletic department partnered with Samaritan's Feet providing shoes to four elementary schools. During NCAA Division III Week, over 50 ETBU student-athletes served 67 children new shoes and socks.

Miss ETBU 2017

April 1, 2017

Taylor Rowlands crowned as Miss ETBU 2017

ETBU junior elementary education major Taylor Rowlands of Houston was crowned Miss ETBU 2017 this weekend. Rowlands competed against 6 other contestants in the 61st Miss ETBU Scholarship Pageant in Baker Chapel of the Ornelas Spiritual Life Center on April 1.

State Capitol 2017

March 24, 2017

ETBU students say ‘thank you’ at the state capitol

Students from East Texas Baptist University visited the Texas State Capitol in Austin, Texas on March 22 for Tuition Equalization Grant (TEG) Student Advocacy Day.  The students spoke with representatives and senators to thank them for their service and to ask for continued funding for the TEG program.  While at the Capitol, they observed a session of the House of Representatives and were recognized from the floor by District 9 State Representative Chris Paddie from Marshall.

March 19, 2017

ETBU students spend Spring Break on a mission

East Texas Baptist University students spent their Spring Break serving others with the love of Christ in a jungle of Belize, St. Tammany Parish of Louisiana, and on South Padre Island in Texas. 
Ten ETBU students led by Dr. Lisa Seeley, Director of Global Education and the Great Commission Center, recovered water wells and shared the good news of Jesus Christ in Otoxha, Belize, a remote jungle village without electricity or running water.