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Founders Day 2017

October 25, 2017

ETBU celebrates Founders Day

East Texas Baptist University celebrated the 105th anniversary of the institution's chartering with Founders Day on Sunday, October 22. This special service was held at First Baptist Church, Marshall in honor of W. T. Tardy, the first Pastor of FBC Marshall and founder of the College of Marshall, ETBU's forerunner. 

October 25, 2017

ETBU donors recognized for a lifetime of generosity

East Texas Baptist University welcomed Dr. Billy and Winky Foote of Gilmer, and Jerry Hamilton ('83) of Huffman into the ETBU Founders Society on Saturday, October 14 and Hal and Joyce Cornish of Marshall on Saturday, October 21. Membership in the ETBU Founders Society is reserved for those who have contributed at least $100,000 to the University throughout their lifetime.  

October 23, 2017

ETBU offers School of Christian Ministries Scholarship

Current and future East Texas Baptist University students, who have earned a bachelor's degree from ETBU, are called to full-time ministry, and are active members at Texas Baptists (BGCT) churches, will be provided a full-tuition graduate scholarship to the ETBU School of Christian Studies. The University has developed the scholarship program to encourage and equip students, who are considering or preparing for a call to vocational Christian ministry.  

reformation OCt. 2017

October 19, 2017

ETBU celebrates 500 years of Reformation

East Texas Baptist University will host Here I Stand, a series of events held in honor of the anniversary of Martin Luther nailing his theses to the door of the Castle Church. Sola Scriptura: A Bible Exhibition will be on display in the Jarrett Library on weekdays from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. beginning Monday, October 23 through Wednesday, November 1. The display will feature three Bibles including the Coverdale Bible (1535), the Geneva Bible (1610), and the King James Authorized Version (1611). The exhibition also contained copies of the Foxe's Book of Martyrs (1563), The Whole Works of W.