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Panola Articulation

November 14, 2017

ETBU signs articulation agreement with Panola College

East Texas Baptist University's partnership with Panola College (PC) marks its sixth articulation agreement with institutions and organizations in the region. The articulation agreement, signed on Tuesday, November 14 by ETBU President J. Blair Blackburn and PC President Gregory Powell, offers students at PC and ETBU access to enhanced educational opportunities.

YWAM Tyler Articulation

November 9, 2017

ETBU and YWAM Tyler partner to prepare Christian servant leaders

East Texas Baptist University signed articulation agreements with Youth With A Mission (YWAM) Tyler to ensure the acceptance of up to 18 hours of course credit from six of YWAM's programs, including the schools of Discipleship Training, Evangelism, Strategic Missions, the Bible, Worship, and Teacher of the Nations, to be applied to any appropriate bachelor's degrees. ETBU President J. Blair Blackburn and YWAM Tyler President Leland Paris met on Thursday, November 9 to officially enter into the agreement. 

TVCC articulation

November 9, 2017

ETBU continues the Tiger Transfer Track Program

East Texas Baptist University entered into its fifth articulation agreement with partnering institutions as a part of the Tiger Transfer Track Program. ETBU President J. Blair Blackburn and Trinity Valley Community College President Jerry King officially signed the agreement on Thursday, November 9 to provide an avenue for increased academic opportunities for ETBU and TVCC students.

articulation Jacksonville

November 8, 2017

ETBU and Jacksonville College initiate new partnership

East Texas Baptist University's partnership with Jacksonville College (JC) marks its third articulation agreement with schools in the surrounding community, including the University of Texas Health Science Center at Tyler (UTHSCT) and Kilgore College (KC). The agreement, signed by ETBU President J. Blair Blackburn and JC President Mike Smith on Wednesday, November 8, is designed to maximize the resources available at the two institutions to provide an accessible avenue for students to earn both an associate's and bachelor's degree.