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ETBU students enjoy fellowship together in downtown Marshall

January 26, 2019

ETBU celebrates continuous growing enrollment for the Spring 2019 semester

East Texas Baptist University has a total Spring 2019 enrollment of 1,398 students, an almost two percent increase from Spring 2018. Graduate enrollment has grown more than four percent from Fall 2018.  The University maintains a high undergraduate student retention rate of 88 percent. The University’s collaborative student learning-centered, retention initiatives have led to a unified and strengthened campus community for an overall enriched Christ-centered college experience for all students.

Hockey team 2019

January 18, 2019

ETBU Hockey Team serves in Slovakia

The East Texas Baptist University Hockey Team traveled to Slovakia from Wednesday, January 2 through Saturday, January 12 as a part of the Tiger Athletic Mission Experience (TAME) program. Led by Head Coach Alain Savage, ETBU Vice President for Athletics Ryan Erwin, and Director of the Great Commission Center and Global Education Lisa Seeley, the group of 22 partnered with International Sports Federation (ISF) to minister to the people of Slovakia.

During the Introduction to New Testament Mini-Term with Assistant Professor of Religion Jeremy Greer, junior Chloe Wright, freshman Lauren House, and freshman Eric Hood take notes.

December 17, 2018

ETBU celebrates growing enrollment of 2018-2019 Mini-Terms

East Texas Baptist University administered a one-week December Mini-Term from December 10-14, is offering a two-week Winter Mini-Term from December 10-January 11, and will host a one-week January Mini-Term from January 7-11. Overall, the 31 courses offered have more than 590 total student enrollments compared to 395 total student enrollments in 2017-2018 for the same mini-terms, nearly a 50 percent increase.