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2019 Miss ETBU

April 3, 2019

ETBU junior Ronni Ward crowned as Miss ETBU 2019

Junior Speech Communication major Ronni Ward of Logansport, Louisiana was crowned as the 63rd Miss ETBU on Saturday, March 30. Actively involved in the ETBU community as a member of the Student Government Association (SGA), Political Awareness Society, and Tiger Cheer, Ward was selected from among 12 contestants at the annual scholarship pageant sponsored by ETBU’s SGA. As Miss ETBU, she receives a generous academic scholarship as well as the opportunity to represent the University throughout the community and region during her reign.

March 28, 2019

ETBU students build relationships through construction service

East Texas Baptist University students traveled to Birmingham, Alabama from Sunday, March 10 through Friday, March 15 on a mission trip as a part of the national Habitat for Humanity Collegiate Challenge. Led by ETBU Dean of Spiritual Life Scott Stevens, the ETBU students earned service credit hours while being involved in hands-on mission work through home construction and rehabilitation.


March 28, 2019

ETBU performs a local production of The Masque of Beauty and the Beast

East Texas Baptist University Theatre Arts Associate Professor John Dement united the Marshall community through a production of Michael Elliot Brill’s 1979 play, The Masque of Beauty and the Beast. Serving as the inaugural production of Dement’s Starr Struck Theatre, the performance was held at 8:00 p.m. from March 13-16 at no cost to attendees. A total of 235 patrons from Texarkana, Carthage, Longview, Jefferson, Shreveport, and Marshall experienced the performance.