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ETBU nursing students Colby Simmons, Stacie Simmons, and Joshua Hartley receive the Polly Cargill Scholarship during the reception held at the newly opened Marshall Grand.

July 24, 2019

ETBU Students Receive Polly Cargill Nursing Scholarship

A crowd gathered at the Marshall Grand last week to celebrate and honor the generosity of a community and distinguish six local students who seek to impact the medical industry through a future career in nursing. Three East Texas Baptist University students were presented with the Polly Cargill Nursing Scholarship on behalf of the Cargill family and CHRISTUS Good Shepherd Foundation. ETBU’s Joshua Hartley, Colby Simmons, and Stacie Simmons received the scholarship during the reception held at the newly opened Marshall Grand.


July 1, 2019

ETBU Tennis serves in Paris, France

The East Texas Baptist University Men’s and Women’s Tennis Teams traveled to Paris, France from Thursday, May 30 through Sunday, June 9 as a part of the Tiger Athletic Mission Experience (TAME) program. Led by Great Commission Center and Global Education Director Lisa Seeley, Head Coach Jeff Bramlett, and Assistant Coach Drew Lambert, the group of 15 consisting of athletes and staff partnered with the International Sports Federation (ISF) and Youth with a Mission (YWAM) in evangelism and ministry surrounding the French Open at Roland Garros.