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News about "East Texas Baptist Univeristy"

Two volunteers engage with children at a fall festival activity, sharing high-fives in front of a sign that reads "Pumpkin Bag Toss."

September 30, 2024

East Texas Baptist University Hosts Fall Festivals for Marshall ISD Elementary Schools

East Texas Baptist University's Learning and Leading classes organized and hosted the 13th annual Fall Festivals for all five of Marshall ISD's elementary schools on Monday, September 30. The events at David Crockett Elementary, Sam Houston Elementary, William B. Travis Elementary, Price T. Young Elementary, and the Marshall Early Childhood Center provided an evening of fun and community engagement for nearly 1,000 elementary students and their families.

Spring 2023 Commencement

May 6, 2023

177 graduates conferred during ETBU’s Spring 2023 Commencement

East Texas Baptist University presented 177 graduates with degrees during its commencement ceremony on Saturday, May 6, in Baker Chapel of the Rogers Spiritual Life Center. ETBU President J. Blair Blackburn presided over the ceremony as 149 students received undergraduate degrees and 28 received graduate degrees. The worship ceremony featured Scripture readings, praise and worship through song, prayers, and blessings over the graduates, including words from Dr. Blackburn reminding those in attendance of the University’s Christ-centered mission.

Polly Cargill Nursing Scholarship blesses ETBU nursing students

September 29, 2021

Polly Cargill Nursing Scholarship blesses ETBU nursing students

Several East Texas Baptist University nursing students were recently presented with the Polly Cargill Nursing Scholarship on behalf of the Cargill family and East Texas Baptist University. ETBU’s Denesha Bluford, Diana Garcia, Camryn Johnson, Cameron Kaufert, Victoria Miles, Marissa Morgan, Katie Muldowney, Brittan Price, Cameron Schmitz, Katelynn Smith, and Laura Staley received the scholarship during the reception held at the Marshall Grand.