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News about "texas baptists"

Students receive insight and wisdom during ETBU’s annual Calling Conference

November 6, 2020

Students receive insight and wisdom during ETBU’s annual Calling Conference

East Texas Baptist University hosted its sixth annual Calling Conference on Wednesday, November 4, for ETBU students who are drawn to vocational ministry. The conference provided students with a deeper understanding of how to identify and pursue their callings with opportunities to learn from experienced ministry professionals and special guest speakers Dr. Jonathan Grenz, Dean of the School of Ministry at Palm Beach Academy, and Phil Miller, acting Director of the Great Commission Team for Texas Baptists (BGCT).

Texas Baptists guest speakers bring wisdom to students at ETBU

September 25, 2020

Texas Baptists guest speakers bring wisdom to students at ETBU

Two Texas Baptists representatives Jane Wilson, Discipleship Specialist, and Gus Reyes, Director of the Christian Life Commission, visited the East Texas Baptist University campus in September. Wilson was the keynote speaker during chapel and special guest lecturer during the “Empowering Women” Student Leadership Luncheon on Wednesday, September 16, where she had the special opportunity to extend her conversation and personally encourage female students to embrace their spiritual leadership to positively impact people for God.

ETBU Congreso Experience encourages Hispanic students to embrace God’s call

February 13, 2020

ETBU Congreso Experience encourages Hispanic students to embrace God’s call

In partnership with Texas Baptists (BGCT) for the second year in a row, East Texas Baptist University hosted a Congreso Experience on Saturday, February 8. The event, themed “Witness,” focused on Acts 1:8 and encouraged more than 100 local participants from area churches in their pursuit of God’s calling on their lives.

Group of students standing in front of event banner smiling at the camera

East Texas Baptist University to Host Congreso Experience February 17

East Texas Baptist University will host a Congreso Experience on Saturday, February 17, from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. This event, held in partnership with Texas Baptists (BGCT), is designed for Hispanic students in 6th grade and above to explore the Christ-centered college experience available at ETBU. Congreso provides students with a unique opportunity to embrace a college education and pursue the call of God in their lives.