East Texas Baptist University held its annual Church Day on Wednesday, August 16. Hosted by ETBU’s Office of Spiritual Life, the event takes place the first week of class each fall in an effort to introduce students to area churches. This year, representatives from more than 30 local churches set up booths and tables in the University’s Quad to offer free t-shirts, snacks, and promotional items, and share information about the heart of their ministries.
Before the start of the Church Day event, Tiger students had the opportunity to hear from the Pastor of Alamo Heights Baptist Church and Chair for the Texas Baptists (BGCT) Executive Board, Bobby Contreras, during the morning chapel service. Contreras challenged students to find community within a local church and lean on others throughout their college experience.
“One of the most important decisions that you will make during your time here at ETBU is the community of people that you connect yourself to, knowing that you cannot and should not do life on your own,” Contreras said. “Something happens when we get together in crowds for Jesus' name.”
Dean of Spiritual Life Dr. Scott Stevens urged all students to prayerfully decide on a local church to attend while at ETBU. Stevens concluded the Church Day Chapel with the ETBU community praying over the dozens of church representatives who visited campus for the special church emphasis event.
“Tigers, while you’re here, we want you to know about these great partnerships we have with local churches,” Stevens said. “Your gifts and abilities can make a difference in their churches, and their church families can make a difference in your life.”