East Texas Baptist University welcomed friends of the University for a showcase of the newly-renovated Synergy Park building, located in the heart of downtown Marshall on Tuesday, May 9.
“Synergy Park aligns with ETBU’s core commitments through the pillars of our Marshall community’s common values and shared purposes of embracing opportunity, equipping the workforce, empowering people, engaging resources, and enhancing community,” ETBU President J. Blair Blackburn said. “I am thankful for the many Marshall community members and friends who joined us for the showcase to support and celebrate the fulfillment of the vision for revitalizing this mid-century bank building. When this building opened as the First National Bank of Marshall in 1973, it was noted as one of the most modern financial facilities in East Texas. Unfortunately, the facility succumb to banking industry changes and market volatility, and sat empty, outdated, and unwanted. Now 50 years later, Synergy Park stands as a new innovation in community investment, bringing people together to work in collaboration for the benefit of our city and East Texas region.”
Synergy Park, which stands at approximately 48,000 square feet, encompasses a dedicated center for workforce development, educational learning, business workspace cooperative, and community organizational networking (at 100 N. Bolivar Street, the former Capital One Bank Building). Synergy Park will empower community members to be workforce ready and to match the skill needed in an evolving marketplace through the Workforce Training Center. The building sits adjacent to ETBU’s Marshall Grand, extending the University’s downtown academic learning and vocational training footprint.
The William B. Dean, M.D. Center for Language and Literacy Development, located on the third floor of Synergy Park, encompasses a learning center for ETBU’s Master of Science in Speech-Language Pathology program to focus on training and equipping individuals to serve and lead as professionals who work with clients who are challenged with differing learning challenges in the areas of speech-language, literacy, dyslexia, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, as well as individuals who have suffered brain trauma affecting speech-language and cognition.
Showcase attendees had the opportunity to tour the facility and learn about the various organizations and companies that now call Synergy Park home. Office space within Synergy Park is available to local businesses to drive economic development and encourage business growth in downtown Marshall. Twelve local corporations have signed leases in Synergy Park, six of which are non-profits. Tenants enjoy a range of amenities intended to promote productivity and collaboration, including fully outfitted conference rooms, rentable event space, and networking opportunities. Select spaces in the facility were showcased, providing attendees and organizations the ability to partner with ETBU through naming opportunities.
Synergy Park houses Work•ship on the first floor of the building, a new co-working venture that accommodates the growing population of remote and hybrid professionals throughout East Texas. Work•ship, a fusing of the words “work” and “worship,” is based on the conviction that work – no matter one’s vocation, field, or calling – is worship. Work•ship provides a professional, inviting co-working space that inspires excellence and innovation for teams of all sizes.
“After many months of planning and a truly remarkable renovation, it is such a blessing to see ETBU’s vision for Synergy Park become a reality,” Synergy Park Director Scott McCurdy said. “The future of Marshall is bright, and I have the great honor of seeing firsthand the community and business leaders who are daily striving to enhance their city. Synergy Park is a catalyst for economic development and revitalization of Marshall’s historic downtown. Seeing the collaboration already taking place within Synergy Park further affirms our calling to serve our community however we can, whether through workforce training, student internships, or supporting local business owners and entrepreneurs."