171 East Texas Baptist University graduating seniors were recognized on Wednesday, April 20, with the presentation of their official ETBU class ring. The ring represents seniors’ hard work and dedication throughout their time on the Hill.
“This is always a special day on our campus,” ETBU Vice President for Advancement Scott Bryant said. “It is so great to have so many Tigers graduating in a few weeks and receiving a ring today. We pray that you will wear it with pride as you continue to represent this University. Moving forward, you will be able to use your ring as a great opportunity to share about your time on the Hill and what this place means to you.”
A token gift of appreciation from the University to graduating seniors, this graduation ring symbolizes its blessing over students as they commence from ETBU to pursue their career callings. Each ring features the seal of East Texas Baptist, surrounded by the cornerstones of the University – Veritas, Mores, and Scientia, which translate from Latin to Truth, Character, and Knowledge. Inscribed in the ring are significant icons of ETBU and the Christian faith, such as historic Marshall Hall, the Light on the Hill, Max Greiner’s Divine Servant Statue, and the Bible. These symbols remind Tiger alumni of God’s work in their lives and their transformational experience at East Texas Baptist University.
“It is really exciting to be receiving my ETBU ring today,” graduating senior and theatre education major Avrie Chapman said. “I didn’t get a class ring in high school, so to be able to get one from ETBU is really special. It’s something that I can hold on to forever as a memento because I love ETBU so much. This ring is going to be a reminder of everything I did here and how much I loved my college experience.”
The ceremony is designed to celebrate the accomplishments of students during their time at ETBU and connect generations of alumni. During the special chapel service, ETBU class of ’94 and Director of Alumni Relations Cari Johnson shared words of encouragement with the graduating seniors.
“Last year when I started working with alumni, I finally got my ETBU ring,” Johnson said. “And when they asked me what I wanted to be engraved inside my ring, I chose ‘immeasurably more’ because I know that God is able, and I know that God is more. He is up to something far more abundant than even I could ask or imagine. Far more than any earthly treasure. Far more than any amount of knowledge or education that you can earn, He is more. He is abundantly more. That is my prayer for you today, seniors. I want to encourage you that there is mercy in the mystery. When you look at your ring, I hope that you will be reminded that God is able, He is more, and He is love.