East Texas Baptist University collected donations for Texas Baptist Men's Disaster Relief efforts to help individuals affected by Hurricane Ida in Louisiana. Items collected during the donation drive include bottled water and bottled Gatorade, infant and adult diapers, baby wipes, cleaning supplies, laundry supplies, and paper goods.
"While Hurricane Ida did not directly impact our campus, it's a good reminder to be mindful of our neighbors and to love our neighbors well," ETBU Assistant Vice President for Student Engagement and Dean of Students Holly Edwards said. "We find it a privilege to pray and be mindful of those who need it, but then provide a way to put that prayer into action and provide resources. That is what we are called to do; to step into these moments of hardship and loss and be the hands and feet of Christ."
The donated items were loaded up and delivered to the Texas Baptist Men (TBM) warehouse in Dallas. TBM will then take the donated items to the impacted areas in Louisiana, where TBM volunteers are serving as they meet needs in the aftermath of the storm. They have also delivered a semi-load of water and are preparing a semi-load of cleaning supplies.
"Service has always been at the heart of East Texas Baptist University, and its student body," Texas Baptist Men Executive Director and CEO Mickey Lenamon said. "This tremendous outpouring of donations reflects that spirit once again. These basic necessities will help families across Southern Louisiana take their first steps in recovering from Hurricane Ida. Thank you, ETBU, for partnering with TBM to deliver help, hope, and healing to people in their most difficult days."
In addition to the ETBU community, both Marshall Kroger and Dairy Queen stepped in to help with a large donation of bottled water and helped spread the word on local media.
"I am so thankful for the continuing partnership between ETBU and the Marshall community as we seek to serve not only Marshall and Harrison County, but also our neighbors in Louisiana who were so greatly impacted by Hurricane Ida," ETBU Director of the Great Commission Program Lisa Seeley said. "The love and generosity displayed during this time of crisis for our neighbors is an embodiment of the story of the Good Samaritan."
Anyone interested in contributing to the Texas Baptist Men Disaster Relief for those affected by Hurricane Ida can do so by visiting www.tbmtx.org/ida.