East Texas Baptist University hosted a group of prospective students and their families on Monday, October 12, for the first Preview Day of the 2020-2021 academic year. Students interested in attending ETBU can visit campus and receive a comprehensive overview of life at ETBU through admission and financial aid sessions, academic showcases, campus tours, student life panels, and a chapel worship service. For those who may have missed the chance to attend the October Preview Day, the University is hosting a Tiger Day coming up on Saturday, November 14, 2020.
“This year, Preview Day was more important than ever because Admissions Counselors are not able to visit high school campuses, attend college fairs on high school campuses, or connect with students due to COVID-19, so it was the first time that our staff was able to put faces to names,” Vice President for Enrollment Jeremy Johnston said. “Preview Days provide prospective students and their families an opportunity to experience the Christ-centered culture of ETBU while learning about the academic programs and student life.”
Throughout preview campus events, attendees learn how they can grow by pursuing higher education at East Texas Baptist. Students and their families interact with current students, faculty, admissions counselors, financial aid staff, and academic advisors.
“I’ve been to ETBU before on Tiger Day, and I liked it so much I decided to come back today with my mother and brothers for another look,” Preview Day participant and senior from UME Preparatory Academy in Dallas Xavier Espinoza-Rodriguez said. “Experiencing chapel was great; my family and I love it here.”
Preview Day guests can experience testimonies firsthand during a student life panel, where they hear from current students on how ETBU is impacting their lives academically, spiritually, and socially.
“We are delighted to have prospective students on campus as we help them find their college home, which we hope many choose to call ETBU their ‘home on the Hill’,” ETBU Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs Dr. Thomas Sanders said. “We pray that this is where God is calling them to be, and that we can be a part of their journey as we equip them for the calling God has placed on their lives. Preview Day is always a great opportunity to have those dialogues and discussions that help students make important decisions.”
Future Preview Days are scheduled to take place on January 25, 2021, and February 15, 2021, and Tiger Day is set for November 14, 2020. Students interested in attending Preview Day or Tiger Day at East Texas Baptist University should visit www.etbu.edu/visit for more information or to register.