East Texas Baptist University strengthens the unique public/private partnership with Tyler Junior College by offering a specialized Master of Education program to TJC faculty and staff, as well as high school teachers who wish to teach dual credit/dual-enrollment courses. The 30-hour graduate degree, offered online through ETBU, will give those enrolled a new venue for career advancement with increased opportunities for teaching at the collegiate level. The program also benefits those individuals who have a master’s degree, yet need the 18-hour graduate discipline courses for qualification to teach college courses.
“As a graduate from Tyler Junior College, I am honored to work with TJC President Dr. Juan E. Mejia in creating a collaborative academic partnership for the benefit of the East Texas region,” ETBU President J. Blair Blackburn said. “I am confident that offering ETBU’s Master of Education program to TJC faculty and staff will aid us in developing servant-hearted educational leaders and scholars and will equip qualified higher education professionals to reach their full teaching potential.”
East Texas Baptist’s partnership with TJC dates back to 2017 when the two institutions entered an articulation agreement, providing a more accessible and more affordable pathway for TJC students to pursue a quality, Christ-centered education through ETBU. This new component of the two schools’ ongoing collaboration targets those seeking to further their professional-level education and training. The 18-month graduate education program offers discipline specific content in English, History, Mathematics, or Communication for obtaining post-secondary teaching credentials in these high-demand areas of study. This unique private/public partnership is catered to professionals who desire to receive qualification and preparation to teach at Tyler Junior College and other East Texas regional colleges. Additionally, the ability for more educators to attain their master’s degree or 18-hour graduate discipline specific qualification will help address the 60 X 30 Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board’s primary goal of having at least 60 percent of Texans between the ages of 25-34 with a post-secondary credential by 2030.
“TJC’s strategic plan includes a strong focus on innovation through authentic partnerships, and we value the partnership with ETBU,” TJC President Dr. Mejia shared. “Dr. Blackburn and his Cabinet have continued to work closely with the leadership team from TJC, and all have embraced the direction from the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board to encourage public and private partnerships. We are honored to partner with ETBU as we share a significant number of stakeholders who are friends to both of our institutions and very pro-education, and we have the opportunity to establish the state model of a partnership that leads the way for Texas.”
For more information on East Texas Baptist University’s Master of Education program in English, History, Mathematics, or Communication, email gradadmissions@etbu.edu.