East Texas Baptist University hosted almost 300 guests on campus for Tiger Day on Saturday, November 9. Prospective students and their families visited campus to discover what it means to be an ETBU Tiger through a departmental fair and campus expo, student panel, campus tour, Tiger Tailgate, and Tiger Football game.
“It is incredibly beneficial for prospective students to attend Tiger Day so they can get a sense of what being a Tiger here on the Hill truly means,” Freshman Admissions Counselor Harleigh Parrish said. “This is a perfect opportunity to not only tour campus and meet with our faculty, but also to interact with current students and the community.”
Following the general session, the departmental fair provided students the opportunity to have one-on-one conversations with professors and learn more about the 43 undergraduate and 11 graduate programs ETBU offers. The opportunity to speak with professors during Tiger Day is indicative of the accessibility of the faculty at East Texas Baptist. Through smaller class sizes and a student-to-faculty ratio of 15:1, professors are able to offer a more hands-on approach to higher education.
“It’s one thing to show great pictures and helpful information on our website, but at Tiger Day, students get to experience the culture at ETBU by being on the campus,” Dean of Spiritual Life Scott Stevens said. “Students have the opportunity to meet professors they would be studying with, meet potential classmates, and experience the culture of the Hill. It’s been interesting how many students tell us that God confirmed ETBU was the place for them when they stepped on campus.”
During the campus life expo, visitors learned about the 50+ organizations and ministries available to students and what campus life looks like at ETBU. Tiger Day participants were also taken on a campus tour, where they were able to visit residence halls, academic facilities, and student activity areas, enabling them to fully grasp life on the Hill.
“My favorite part of Tiger Day was the tour and getting a feel for campus,” prospective student Tawny Knox said. “I loved getting to see Marshall Hall and the Library.”
Current Tigers Mylan Shed, Dave Hendrix, Sarah Pino, and Sarah Staley facilitated a student life panel to allow visiting students and their families to ask questions about the ETBU students’ Christ-centered educational experience.
“When I came to ETBU, I found a community of people who would support me during a difficult time,” sophomore student panelist Sarah Staley said. “ETBU is so welcoming. Whenever you choose a college, choose a place that feels right for you, where you know the professors and advisors will be there to help you, and where you feel like you will succeed.”
The event concluded with a football game, in which the Tiger Day attendees were joined by current students to cheer on the ETBU Football team against Hardin-Simmons University. By connecting them to necessary resources such as professors, counselors, coaches, and current students, the event provided an opportunity for prospective students to encounter college life as an ETBU Tiger.
“Being an ETBU Tiger means you are willing to go above and beyond not only for yourself but for others as well,” Freshman Admissions Counselor Hannah Crisp said. “I hope that translates to the prospective students in a way that they not only feel welcomed to ETBU but they see through our actions how we truly care for one another in every given situation. When searching for a college, you want to find a place that you feel most comfortable, almost like a “home away from home” experience, and here at ETBU it truly is a ‘Home on the Hill’ experience.”
ETBU Spring Preview Days are January 27, and February 17. The next Tiger Day is Saturday, March 28. To learn more about visiting campus or applying to ETBU, visit www.etbu.edu/visit.