April 24, 2018
Jacqueline Ramos was recognized as the 2018 J. Ward Walker Lecturer by East Texas Baptist University on Monday, April 23. Each year, the ETBU Integration of Faith and Learning Committee acknowledges a faculty or staff member as the J. Ward Walker Honoree to lead the lecture series. During the University's chapel service, Ramos reminded the ETBU community that faith and calling must influence every aspect of a believer's life.
"I am honored to be this year's Ward Walker Award recipient," Ramos shared. "The recognition has significantly encouraged and challenged me to continue the work God has set before me. This experience has reminded me that on my own accord, I cannot obtain anything good. Any ounce of good I am or have is only credible to the goodness of God," Ramos continued. "Integrating my faith in my role within higher education has enabled me to show grace to the student who is hard to love, to be compassionate to the student who needs help, to cheer on the student who is living out her faith, and to show God's love to the student who does not know Him."
Ramos serves as the Coordinator of Academic Support for the Office of Academic Success. She earned a Bachelor of Psychology in 2012 and a Master of Counseling in 2017 from East Texas Baptist University. Ramos serves with Buckner's Family Pathways, as an IF: Gathering conference volunteer, and on the worship team at New Beginnings Baptist Church in Longview. Ramos leads a sixth-grade Life Group at her church, and a college women's Bible study at ETBU. She also is a member of Psi Chi, the Psychology National Honor Society, Pi Gamma Mu, the Social Sciences Honor Society, and the Texas Counseling Association.
One of the members of the ETBU community, who nominated Ramos stated that "Jacqueline has a proven work ethic, a faith-filled vision for her future, and an undeniable, overarching Christ-like approach to each of her relationships and endeavors. Her faith propels her work. Her good works prove her faith."
Dr. J. Ward Walker served in the 1990s as ETBU Vice President for Spiritual Life. Dr. Walker actively exemplified and supported the integration of faith and learning as a central pursuit for all who are involved in Christ-centered higher education. Recipients of the award named in his memory are selected based on their exemplary and consistent engagement of faith with scholarship, teaching, or administrative service.
"All of the members of the committee, including Reid Adams, Austin Damron, Karen Linstrum, Mark Miller, Israel Nandamudi, Scott Stevens, and Emily Prevost join me in offering Ms. Ramos our congratulations as the award recipient," ETBU Professor of Religion and Chair of the Integration of Faith and Learning Committee Warren Johnson said. "I thank the members of the committee for their faithful commitment to the task of promoting the integration of faith and learning at ETBU, including their dedication to the task of identifying members of our community who demonstrate the qualities of Christian scholarly discipleship, following the example of J. Ward Walker as he imitated Christ."