East Texas Baptist University united with Wiley College for Jubilate Deo on Friday, April 13. The concert featured a full orchestra and choirs from both institutions. Sponsored by Central Perks, Jack Cargill, Jucy's Hamburgers, Judge Richard and Christina Anderson, and Marshall News Messenger, the event emphasized the importance of community.
"Performing with Wiley College made Marshall seem more like home to me," ETBU freshman Molly Brinkley shared. "The unity brought about encouraged me. I enjoyed the opportunity to build relationships with the group. It was an honor to perform with Wiley and I look forward to the next combined event."
Conducted by ETBU Director of Choir Activities Justin Hodges and Wiley College Choir Director Stephen L. Hayes, Jubilate Deo featured the music of Roland Carter and Dan Forrest. The composition is based on the call from Psalm 100, "O be joyful in the Lord, all ye lands." Dan Forrest sets the work in seven different languages to enable audiences to worship as one. Pieces by Roland Carter such as You Must Have That True Religion, Steal Away, In Bright Mansions Above, and Lift Every Voice and Sing were added to enhance the message of world unity through God.
"The resources and performing forces needed to execute such a monumental work as the Dan Forrest Jubilate Deo is something that neither group could satisfactorily do on their own," Hodges said. "That is why it is such a rewarding investment and process to add over 90 voices together combined with a full orchestra to create the amount of energy and communicative power that is called for by the musical score."
Wiley College's A Cappella Choir has performed at the White House on two separate occasions, in 2011 and 2013. In addition to being featured in the film's soundtrack, the group performed at the Hollywood premiere of The Birth of a Nation (2016). The ETBU Choir has completed several tours across the United States and beyond, including a 2004 tour of Russia and a 2013 tour of New York. Together, the talented choirs glorified God in their united performance as Christian universities in Marshall.
"Performing Jubilate Deo with the ETBU Choir enabled both groups to come together as Christian institutions and sing for the Lord," Wiley College senior Emanuel Echols commented. "Although I have performed alongside the ETBU Choir three years ago, this experience was much different. I learned how essential community is in standing for a cause with support and love. My faith has been strengthened because I was a part of the united effort to spread the Word of God through song."
The two institutions have joined together for performances in the past, collaborating with Marshall Community Chorus, Greggton United Methodist Church, First United Methodist Church of Marshall, Central Baptist Church of Marshall, and First Baptist Church of Longview for a performance of Handel's Messiah in December 2012. The two choirs also combined for a performance of Freedom Rings, A Celebration of America with the Longview Symphony in 2015. Most recently, ETBU and Wiley College have also worked together alongside Panola College and Texas State Technical College in support of expanding railroad transportation for residents and businesses in the I-20 corridor.
"The Wiley students are encouraging in their faith, and I am so grateful that they shared their stories with me," ETBU freshman Hannah Rosser. "One student said, 'your life is your testimony and wherever you are at any given time is your mission field.' By observing the Wiley Students' example, I was inspired to speak up for the Lord in every situation. Jubilate Deo showed me that we can all worship our Lord, regardless of ethnicity, gender, or language, with the same gratitude in our hearts. It was an experience that I will never forget."