East Texas Baptist University's Theatre Department transformed Baker Chapel in the Ornelas Spiritual Life Center through their opening performance of the semester, The Christians by Lucas Hnath, on September 28 through October 1. According to Director Traci Ledford, the department achieved a milestone as they were granted the rights to the play, which only debuted in 2014 in Kentucky and has since been produced by major regional theatres. Ledford was drawn to the honest, desperate characters who were written as fully-realized and three-dimensional Christians.
"The play asks tough questions about theology using everyday men and women actively involved in a church," ETBU Theatre Arts Department Chair Traci Ledford shared. "The dramatic structure of the script presents numerous challenges for our actors and audience. Unlike our previous productions, this play is dialogue-heavy and the central conflict comes from the fact that the pastor has chosen a course for his church that few support. These are the plays which deepen the faith of our students, asking them to wrestle with what they actually believe, why they believe it, and how they should engage with and show grace to a person who believes differently."
Pastor Paul, the main character, presides over a congregation of thousands with classrooms for Sunday School, a coffee shop in the lobby, and a baptismal as big as a swimming pool. As the church has recently paid their debt in full, the service should be one of celebration. However, Paul preaches a sermon that shakes the foundations of his church's beliefs.
"Playing the role of Pastor Paul helped me develop a new perspective," ETBU senior Judah Armour said. "The play has taught me to learn where people are coming from and how to be content with what they choose to believe. My character didn't realize how his sermon would affect his congregation. I came to understand the importance of thinking about how I can help people in the way I express my opinions, especially in a position of leadership."
The production's content challenged the actors and audience with its themes of leadership, loyalty, and confrontation through a dialogue about these ideas. Therefore, following each performance, a talkback session was held with members of the ETBU religion faculty, director, production staff, worship band, and actors to continue the conversation regarding the philosophies presented.
"Throughout this process, the script would prompt questions in my mind. When I went home, my husband and I would go through the Bible to look for answers," ETBU senior Laramie Blankenship said. "We knew what we believed, but we wanted to know why we believed it and be able to defend it. My role as Elizabeth, Paul's wife, strengthened my faith."
The 2017-2018 season will continue with performances of The Voice of the Prairie by John Olive, Moon Over the Brewery by Bruce Graham, and Hedda Gabler by Henrik Ibsen. To attend a show or learn more about the ETBU Theatre Department, please visit www.etbu.edu/theatre.