ETBU junior elementary education major Taylor Rowlands of Houston was crowned Miss ETBU 2017 this weekend. Rowlands competed against 6 other contestants in the 61st Miss ETBU Scholarship Pageant in Baker Chapel of the Ornelas Spiritual Life Center on April 1.
Rowlands is the daughter of Jerry and Julie Rowlands. While attending ETBU, she has been a member of the Tiger Cheer Squad, and has invested her time volunteering at Trinity Episcopal School, Marshall Manor, and Kids Club through BSM. She has received scholarships for academics, Christian leadership, and Tiger Cheer. She was part of the Tiger Cheer squad that won first place in the All-Girl Division at UCA Cheer Camp. She attends First United Methodist Church in Marshall. After graduation, Taylor plans to become a third-grade teacher, specializing in reading or special education.
"I am still in shock," Rowlands said. "Thank you to everyone who voted for me and supported me through this journey. Jesus is so good! I am honored to serve as Miss ETBU 2017."
Last year's Miss ETBU, Brittany Smith of Los Angeles, California, Vice President for Student Affairs Heather Hadlock, and First Lady Michelle Blackburn crowned Rowlands as Miss ETBU 2017. They also presented awards and bouquets of yellow roses to the contestants.
Junior speech communication major Harleigh Parrish of Huntington was selected first runner up. Selected second runner up was junior elementary education major Mallory Kauffman of Sugar Land. Kauffman was also named Miss Congeniality.
The remaining Miss ETBU contestants included: sophomore Madison Moore of Henderson, junior Hannah Crisp of Elysian Fields, sophomore Jessica Baker of Bandera, and sophomore Brooke Thompson of Texarkana.
The contestants were judged on personal interview (25%), evening wear (25%), talent (25%), topic and answer (15%) and on line vote by the ETBU community (10%).
Sponsored by the Student Government Association, the Miss ETBU Pageant is designed to select the young lady who best represents ETBU as a Christ-like ambassador and servant leader. As her prize, Miss Rowlands received a $1,000 scholarship toward her education at ETBU. She will serve as an official ambassador of ETBU at special events and Marshall community activities.