Students from East Texas Baptist University visited the Texas State Capitol in Austin, Texas on March 22 for Tuition Equalization Grant (TEG) Student Advocacy Day. The students spoke with representatives and senators to thank them for their service and to ask for continued funding for the TEG program. While at the Capitol, they observed a session of the House of Representatives and were recognized from the floor by District 9 State Representative Chris Paddie from Marshall.
The Tuition Equalization Grant program was created by the Texas Legislature in 1971 to provide limited financial assistance to students choosing to attend independent colleges and universities. Since its inception, the program has assisted in-need students to bridge the gap between tuition at state and independent institutions.
"The Tuition Equalization Grant Program has afforded thousands of students across the state the opportunity to attend private colleges and universities like East Texas Baptist University," ETBU Vice President for Advancement Scott Bryant said. "We are thankful the state provides financial support to Texas students who desire an education. We are appreciative of our representatives and senators for their support of the TEG program."
ETBU students who participated in this Advocacy Day include: Jamie Becker, sophomore from Jacksonville, Texas; Maci Brewer, junior from Abilene, Texas; Alex Dorman, sophomore from Longview, Texas; Michael Harris, Texas, junior from Lone Star, Texas; and Mitchell Penny, junior from Brownsboro, Texas.
To be eligible for TEG, a student must be a qualified Texas resident; establish financial need as defined by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board; be enrolled full time in an approved independent college or university in Texas; not receive any form of athletic scholarship; and maintain a 2.5 GPA by the end of the sophomore year.
"Having the opportunity to meet with Texas representatives and senators that support a program that helps students like me was incredible," ETBU sophomore Jamie Becker said. "We had the privilege of thanking them in person for their hard work in our city, state, and for the students at ETBU. It is an experience I will never forget."