Over 160 ETBU students, faculty, and staff participated in service projects throughout Harrison County as part of the National Day of Service in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., and his service to others. Members of the ETBU community served at organizations in the area including Mission Marshall, The Boys & Girls Club of Hallsville, Dayspring Therapeutic Equestrian Center, and My Friend's House.
"I heard from every one of our ministry partners about how blessed they were to have so many students serving with them," Director of Global Education and the Great Commission Center Lisa Seeley said. "Without the help of volunteers, many of these ministries would not be able to effectively serve the community. I am so thankful that ETBU students are stepping up to fill this need."
Many of the athletic teams participated in the day of service as well. ETBU's Volleyball, Women's Soccer, Baseball, Hockey, and Men's and Women's Basketball Teams all participated in the day of service.
"Our Women's Basketball Team really enjoyed serving at the Dayspring Therapeutic Equestrian Center this week," Head Coach Edsel Hamilton said. "As Christians, we have a calling to serve others, and this was a great opportunity to do that. Dayspring has a wonderful ministry, so it was rewarding to be able to help an organization that gives so much to others."
Students also participated in the 33rd Annual Martin Luther King Jr. Parade and Banquet sponsored by the Harrison County Branch of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. Members of the Tiger Bass Fishing Team, Pom, and Cheer appeared in the parade on the ETBU Bass boats. Members of the ETBU Roar Core Pep-band also participated to honor the American civil rights leader.
"I love attending ETBU because our University leaders put an emphasis on service," ETBU junior Austin Grant said. "Participating in the National Day of Service gave me the opportunity to serve others, and the personal satisfaction of knowing that I supported both the memory of a great man and our local community."
The 2017 MLK Day festivities concluded with the Freedom Banquet at the Marshall Convention Center. Vice President for Spiritual Development and University Chaplain Dr. Scott Bryant represented the University on a panel that focused on working together to address needs in the area.
"It was an honor to join together with others in the community to celebrate the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. who worked for non-violent social change," Bryant said.